- Depression Overview
- See also in Vitamin D Life
- Analysis of 33 meta-analyses found Omega-3 to be the best way to improve mental health - 2018
- 15+ Anxiety studies in Vitamin D Life
- Vitamin D reduces depression (4,000+ IU daily for 8+ weeks) - meta-analysis May 2020
- Depression decreased by 300,000 IU injection of Vitamin D - RCT Oct 2020
- 6X increase in Vitamin D and Depression studies in a decade
- Depression Vitamin D trials are being cancelled - too many were taking Vitamin D
- Depresssion drugs, including SSRI
- Just How Far Will the FDA Go To Protect A Bad Drug? (SSRI Dec 2023)
- 37% of Americans take drugs that list depression as a possible side effect - July 2023
- A decade of use of antidepressive drugs doubles CVD - Oct 2022
- SSRIs cause long term sexual dysfunction (prescription warnings in Europe and Canada)
- Why Are Antidepressants (SSRIs) so Harmful? - Nov 2023
- Antidepressant drugs often not effective and hard to stop using - Oct 2022
- Depression and Vitamin D on the web
- Depression on the web other than Vitamin D
- Mercola and depression
- Vitamin D Life -
21 studies in both categories Depression and Pregnancy - Vitamin D Life -
29 studies in both categories Depression and Omega-3 260 items in Depression category - Items associated with Depression: Omega-3 29; Top news 22; Cognitive 21; Pregnancy 20; Intervention 17; Meta-analysis 15; Magnesium 14; Diabetes 10; Seniors 10; Stroke. 9; Intervention - non daily. 8; Youth 8; etc.
Depression Overview
260 items in Depression category Did you know?- Low vitamin D is associated with most types of depression, Including: Seasonal Affective Disorder. manic depression, bipolar disorder, dysthymia, Depression during/after pregnancy, Seniors, Suicide
- Depression substantially reduced by Vitamin D, Omega-3, Magnesium, etc – many studies
- Seasonal Affective Disorder is treated by both bright light and Vitamin D because both make serotonin
- Supplementing with Vitamin D (or getting more sun) decreases most types of depression as well as drugs
- Omega-3, Magnesium, and St. Johns' Wort also decrease depression
- Speculate that some combination (Vit D, Omega-3, Mg, St John's) will decrease depression even more
- Note: Both Omega-3 and Magnesium increase the amount of vitamin D which gets to tissues
- Antidepressants reduce cellular Vitamin D, increasing fractures, CVD, etc. - Oct 2022
- There are
260 items in the Depression category in Vitamin D Life Some recent publications
- Depression in seniors greatly reduced by Vitamin D (e.g. 50,000 IU) – meta-analysis June 2023
- Depression reduced if take more than 5,000 IU of vitamin D daily – umbrella meta-analysis – Jan 2023
- Post-partum depression and low Vitamin D - many studies
- Depression: Low vitamin D in the strongest of 11 risk factors – Jan 2023
- (More Depression info below)
Learn how Vitamin D is essential for good health
Is 50ng enough? How to restore levels quickly Vitamin D Life interview and transcript - Jan 2022
Watch a 5 minute video "Does Less Sun Mean more Disease?"
Browse for other Health Problems and D in left column or here
see also Supplementing and More in the menu at the top of every page
If you have a disease associated with low Vit D take Vit D
Raising your Vit D levels will substantially prevent other low-Vit D health problems
Proof that Vitamin D Works Getting Vitamin D into your body
Books and Videos259 Diseases that may be related via low vitamin D
Reasons for low response to vitamin D Why are doctors reluctant
Cancer studies include: Breast252 Colon 141 Lung 54 Prostate 101 Pancreatic 55 Skin 120
Colds and flu Dark Skin463 Diabetes 537 Obesity 428 Pregnancy 886 Seniors 427
COVID-19 treated by Vitamin D - studies, reports, videosSee also in Vitamin D Life
- Suicide associated with low vitamin D - many studies
- Battling the winter blues with vitamin D (4000 IU) Dec 2015
- Seasonal Affective Disorder treatments include vitamin D and bright light – review Dec 2015
- Bipolar category in Vitamin D Life has
16 items - Anti-depression medication about as good as big increase in vitamin D – meta-analysis of flawless data April 2014
Analysis of 33 meta-analyses found Omega-3 to be the best way to improve mental health - 2018
The efficacy and safety of nutrient supplements in the treatment of mental disorders: a meta-review of meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials
FREE PDF Described at GrassrootsHealth
Vitamin D Life Mental disorders fought by Omega-3 etc. - meta-meta-analysis Oct 201915+ Anxiety studies in Vitamin D Life
14+ Vitamin D Life pages with ANXIETY in title
This list is automatically updatedItems found: 15Screening proposed for Anxiety Disorders in all US Adults - June 2023
Screening for Anxiety Disorders in Adults - US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement
J. American Medical Association doi:10.1001/jama.2023.9301  Download the PDF from Vitamin D Life- For all adults aged 19 - 65
- Lifetime prevalence of anxiety disorders in (US) adults was 26 % for men and 40 % for women (as of 2002)
- Anxiety and depressive disorders often overlap. One cohort study found that 67% of individuals with a depressive disorder also had a current anxiety disorder, and 75% had a lifetime comorbid anxiety disorder
Why not just improve health and reduce anxiety in everyone with vitamin D and/or Omega-3
Vitamin D reduces depression (4,000+ IU daily for 8+ weeks) - meta-analysis May 2020
The effect of vitamin D supplement on negative emotions: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Depression and Anxiety May 2020 https://doi.org/10.1002/da.23025
Ying-Chih Cheng, Yu-Chen Huang, Wei-Lieh HuangThe several meta-analyses of the effect of vitamin D on depression have produced inconsistent results and studies dealing with anxiety were not incorporated. There has been no comprehensive analysis of how results are affected by the nature of the sample or the dosage and duration of supplementation. The study is aimed to investigate whether vitamin D supplementation reduces negative emotions and to analyze the possible influence of sample and regimen.
We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials comparing the effect of vitamin D and placebo on negative emotion. Databases were searched for relevant articles published before February 2019.Results
The analysis covered 25 trials with a total of 7,534 participants and revealed an effect of vitamin D on negative emotion (Hedges' g = −0.4990, 95% CI [−0.8453, −0.1528], p = .0047, I2 = 97.7%). Subgroup analysis showed that vitamin D had an effect on patients with major depressive disorder and on subjects with serum 25(OH)D levels ≤50 nmol/L. The pooled data from trials of vitamin D supplementation lasting ≥8 weeks and dosage ≤4,000 IU/day indicated that vitamin D had an effect.Conclusions
Our results support the hypothesis that vitamin D supplementation can reduce negative emotions. Patients with major depressive disorder and individuals with vitamin D deficiency are most likely to benefit from supplementation. But to interpret the results with high heterogeneity should still be cautious.
 Download the PDF from Vitamin D LifeDepression decreased by 300,000 IU injection of Vitamin D - RCT Oct 2020
Effect of adjunctive single dose parenteral Vitamin D supplementation in major depressive disorder with concurrent vitamin D deficiency: A double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial
J. of Psychiatric Research Vol 129, Oct 2020, Pages 250-256 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpsychires.2020.07.037 PDF is behind a paywall
Favaz Vellekkatt a, Vikas Menon a, Medha Rajappa b, Jayaprakash Sahoo cAdjunctive vitamin D replacement is a theoretically promising strategy to improve outcomes in major depression. Our objective was to assess the efficacy of a single parenteral dose of vitamin D supplementation at baseline as an adjunct to treatment as usual on change in depression symptom ratings (primary outcome), quality of life and clinical severity of illness (secondary outcomes) at the end of 12 weeks when compared to treatment as usual in patients with major depression and concurrent Vitamin D deficiency. Eligible participants were randomized to receive either treatment as usual (TAU; n = 23) or TAU plus single parenteral dose of 3,00,000 IU of vitamin D (n = 23) at baseline. Rater-blinded assessments of depression (primary outcome), quality of life (QoL) and clinical severity of illness were obtained at baseline, and end of follow-up (12 weeks). Intent-to-treat analyses were performed on the entire randomized sample. The intervention significantly improved depression symptom ratings, quality of life and clinical severity of illness at the end of the treatment phase. These findings indicate that a single parenteral dose (3,00,000 IU) of adjunctive vitamin D replacement at baseline is an effective and well tolerated intervention in major depressive disorder with concurrent Vitamin D deficiency. Additionally, it points to a possible role for vitamin D in the pathophysiology of depression and supports personalized approaches for treatment of major depressive disorder.
6X increase in Vitamin D and Depression studies in a decade
PubMed indicates that Depression & "Vitamin D" is becoming very popular:
146 studies in 2020
Depression Vitamin D trials are being cancelled - too many were taking Vitamin D
Vitamin D depression RCT canceled: too many were taking Vitamin D supplements, etc. Feb 2018
Depresssion drugs, including SSRI
Just How Far Will the FDA Go To Protect A Bad Drug? (SSRI Dec 2023)
- "While the FDA initially tried to stop Prozac, once Bush came to power (as his family was in bed with Prozac’s manufacturer), the FDA reversed course."
- "Since that time, the FDA has gone to extremely lengths to cover up the harms of antidepressants. Much of what the FDA did with the SSRIs was identical to what it’s done with the COVID vaccines and I believe learning what happened in the past is highly instructive for understanding what the FDA is doing now and how to stop it."
- "Note: Psychiatric medications are one of the most profitable drug franchises, making approximately 40 billion dollars a year"
- "This study found that SSRIs increased the rate of violent crimes committed by 43% in those between the ages of 15 and 24 receiving the drugs."
- "... a much larger survey of SSRI users found 39% had experienced suicidal ideation while on the drugs."
37% of Americans take drugs that list depression as a possible side effect - July 2023
Common medications raise depression risk, NEW study warns
- Depression With Drugs - Are Your Medications Making You Depressed? May 2023
A decade of use of antidepressive drugs doubles CVD - Oct 2022
Long-term antidepressant use tied to an increase in CVD, mortality risk MDEdge
- " 10-year data from the UK Biobank on over 220,000 adults "
- "The main culprits were mirtazapine, venlafaxine, duloxetine, and trazodone, although SSRIs were also tied to increased risk"
SSRIs cause long term sexual dysfunction (prescription warnings in Europe and Canada)
- Antidepressants (SSRI) can cause 'chemical castration' June 2023
- "In a study from 2001 involving >1000 patients with no previous history of sexual problems, 59% reported sexual dysfunction after commencing an antidepressant. For the five most commonly used drugs, 46% experienced no orgasm or ejaculation."
- No change by the FDA, but "In June 2019, the European Medicines Agency updated the ‘Special Warnings and Precautions’ section on the label of SSRIs to warn that sexual dysfunction can persist even after treatment stops."
- Canada also changed
- "Close to 100% of people who take antidepressants experience some form of sexual side effects."
- "Commonly used SSRIs include paroxetine (Paxil, Seroxat), fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft), citalopram (Celexa), escitalopram (Lexapro), and vortioxetine (Trintellix)."
- "The RxISK Prize of $100,000 USD is offered to anyone who can provide a cure for persistent sexual side effects after stopping antidepressants, finasteride, or isotretinoin."
- Comment: perhaps should take Vitamin D instead of SSRI for depression
- Cost to treat depression for 1 month: $600 for Prozac., $30 for generic Prozac $1 for Vitamin D
Why Are Antidepressants (SSRIs) so Harmful? - Nov 2023
- "Like many other stimulant drugs (e.g., cocaine) SSRIs are highly addictive. Because of this, patients will get severely ill when they attempt to stop them (withdrawals affect roughly half of SSRI users) and it is often extremely difficult to withdraw from them. In this article, I will cover the approaches I know for that since very few resources exist for people in that situation."
- "For example, in a survey of 1,829 patients on antidepressants in New Zealand,
- 62% reported sexual difficulties,
- 60% felt emotionally numb,
- 52% felt not like themselves,
- 39% cared less about others,
- 47% had experienced agitation and
- 39% had experienced suicidal ideation."
- "•An international survey of 3,516 people from 14 patient advocacy groups found that 44% had permanently stopped taking a psychiatric drug due to its side effects."
Antidepressant drugs often not effective and hard to stop using - Oct 2022
How to make better use of antidepressants - The Economist
- Antidepressant "drugs had a substantial effect on depression beyond that of a placebo for only 15% of patients."
- "A study published in 2010, which examined research on two common ssris, estimated that for people with less severe depression the odds of improving by taking the drugs were just 6% higher than they were for taking a placebo. "
- "A review of the research published on that topic, carried out in 2019, found that between 27% and 86% of people attempting to come off antidepressants experienced withdrawal symptoms, and that nearly half of them described those symptoms as severe."
 Download the PDF from Vitamin D Life
Depression and Vitamin D on the web
- Depression and Vitamin D: A Peculiar Relationship - April 2022 good overview PDF
- Efficacy of vitamin D in the treatment of depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis - 2021 PDF
- Molecular Basis Underlying the Therapeutic Potential of Vitamin D for the Treatment of Depression and Anxiety - June 2022 PDF
- Magnesium: The Safe First Line of Defense for Clinical Depression GreenMedInfo Oct 2019
- Why American Teens Are So Sad The Atlantic, April 2022 PDF
- "The United States is experiencing an extreme teenage mental-health crisis. From 2009 to 2021, the share of American high-school students who say they feel “persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness” rose from 26 percent to 44 percent, according to a new CDC study."
- Reasons given: 1) Social-media use, 2) Sociality is down, 3) The world is stressful—and there is more news about the world’s stressors,4. Modern parenting strategies,
- Vitamin D and depression: mechanisms, determination and application - 2019 10.6133/apjcn.201912_28(4).0003 FREE PDF
- Antidepressants More Effective Than Placebo at Treating Acute Depression in Adults Feb 2018 review of Lancet Study
but Anti-depression medication about as good as big increase in vitamin D – meta-analysis of flawless data April 2014 - Vitamins for Depression Psych Central Sept 2019
- Vitamin D, SAM-e, Omega-3, St. John’s Wort, Vitamin B, Kava Kava, Probiotic, Tumeric, etc
- F.D.A. Approves First Drug for Postpartum Depression New York Times March 2019
- "The medication works quickly, within 48 hours. But it’s an expensive infusion and requires a stay in a medical center."
- 60 hours of infusion >$20,000 for just the drug. Was found to be only better than a placebo
- Veterans Agency to Offer New Depression Drug, Despite Cost and Safety Concerns NYT June 2019__
- $5,000 for a full course of treatment. Spravato is a nasal-spray used twice a week for 4 weeks. Generic spay costs less than $100 for a full treatment
- "F.D.A. approval requires that people taking Spravato be monitored in a doctor’s office for at least two hours, and their experience entered in a registry"
Depression on the web other than Vitamin D
- Rhodiola (Tibetan Ginseng) GreenMedInfo updated Oct 2019
- As good as Zoloft with 1/2 the side affects. Many other health benefits as well
- Exericse treats Depression Aug 2019, Dr. Patrick - mentions too - such as Omega-3 and bright light Associated Video
- Groundbreaking Study Finds Turmeric Extract Superior to Prozac for Depression Green Med Info July 2013
Note This activates the Vitamin D Receptor, which gets more Vitamin D to the cells
6 week randomized controlled trial - virtually the same result - Curcumin Has Antidepressive Effects in Thai Patients with Major Depression Jan 2018
Note This activates the Vitamin D Receptor, which gets more Vitamin D to the cells
Improved benefit of conventional depression drugs about 2X
PDF is at SciHub http://sci-hub.tw/10.1007/s12640-017-9860-4 - Curcumin in depressive disorders: An overview of potential mechanisms, preclinical and clinical findings Aug 2016
Note This activates the Vitamin D Receptor, which gets more Vitamin D to the cells
Behind a paywall https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejphar.2016.05.026 - Use of Antidepressants Continue to Rise Mercola Sept 2017
"According to the World Health Organization depression is now the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide,
Globally, rates of depression increased by 18 % between 2005 and 2015"
"11 % of Americans over the age of 12 are on antidepressant drugs. Among women in their 40 and 50s, 1 in 4 is on antidepressants"
"Depression is also strongly linked to an increased risk for substance abuse, diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, and suicide."
"Placebo Effect Accounts for 82 Percent of Drug Response"
Describes the benefits of Vitamin D / Sun exposure. Omega-3, B vitamins, St. John's Wort , etc. - Why Resetting Your Inner Clock Can Improve Your Life Jan 2018 Self-Hacked
Reduce depression by Bright Light Therapy etc to deal with Season Affective Disorder, Bipolar, Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder, etc. - CureZone about 20 people describing what cured them from being depressed Jan 2018
Did not notice Vitamin D. Did notice Iodine - Many People Taking Antidepressants Discover They Cannot Quit NYT April 2018
Some 15.5 million Americans have been taking the medications for at least five years.
The rate has almost doubled since 2010, and more than tripled since 2000. - WARNING: Synthetic antidepressants raise the risk of premature death, study reveals July 2018
"Out of 375,000 study participants on antidepressants, one-third died prematurely"
The Mortality and Myocardial Effects of Antidepressants Are Moderated by Preexisting Cardiovascular Disease: A Meta-Analysis - Oct 2017, https://doi.org/10.1159/000477940
"AD use increased the risks of mortality (HR = 1.33)" - Maternal depression alters stress and immune biomarkers in mother and child Aug 2018
Depressed mothers ==> stressed children, PDF is available free at Sci-Hub 10.1002/da.22818
No mention that vitamin D, Mg, Omega-3 could reduce depression in mother and reduce stress/immune problem in child - Antidepressants Cause Severe Withdrawal Symptoms like "Hallucination," "Mania," & "Anxiety," New Study Reveals GreenMed Info Oct 2018
" More than half (56%) of people who attempt to come off antidepressants experience withdrawal effects. "
"Nearly half (46%) of people experiencing withdrawal effects describe them as severe. "
" It is not uncommon for the withdrawal effects to last for several weeks or months. "
Mercola and depression
- 27% of adults are depressed or anxious] Mercola 2022 PDF
- The Chemical Imbalance Myth and Antidepressant Harm Mercola Sept 2019
- Peter C. Gøtzsche, a Danish physician-researcher, Gøtzsche helped found the Cochrane Collaboration in 1993
- Wrote: "Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare - 2013
- Wrote "Survival in an Overmedicated World: Look Up the Evidence Yourself" 2019
- all of the 22 (depression) papers came to the conclusion that "the drugs were not beneficial in the long term."
- Mercola 2018 Intro to Depression, with links to details has some on Vitamin D
- Mercola June 2019
"7% of the (US) adult population, experienced at least one major depressive episode in 2017."
"...World Health Organization, depression is the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide, and increased 18% between 2005 and 2015"
"...Among seniors over the age of 65, only 14.3% met the criteria (major depressive episode)
"Studies comparing the drugs to placebo found 20 to 40 out of 100 found relief from placebo alone, while 40 to 60 out of 100 reported improvement on an antidepressant after six to eight weeks"
Vitamin D Life -
21 studies in both categories Depression and Pregnancy This list is automatically updated
- Post-partum depression and low Vitamin D - many studies
- Postpartum depression 3.6 X higher risk if low vitamin D – Jan 2022
- ADHD 3.7 X higher risk if depressed pregnancy (low vitamin D) – Dec 2020
- Depression after childbirth 5 X less likely if good Omega-3 index – April 2019
- Postpartum Depression 3.3 X more likely if low vitamin D – Oct 2018
- Vitamin D prevents pregnancy depression (US Prevention Task Force say it cannot be prevented) - Feb 2019
- Depressed black pregnant women should take vitamin D – April 2018
- Magnesium in Healthcare (Rickets, Stones, Pregnancy, Depression, etc.) with level of evidence – Sept 2017
- Perinatal depression decreased 40 percent with just a few weeks of 2,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Aug 2016
- Depression in youths associated with low vitamin D during pregnancy – Oct 2014
- Postpartum depression 7X more likely if less than 10 ng of vitamin D – Sept 2014
- Depression after pregnancy and vitamin D – Nov 2013
- Depression and Vitamin D during Pregnancy – Dissertation Aug 2014
- Depression during pregnancy twice as likely if consume little vitamin D – July 2014
- Antidepressants might increase infertility and pregnancy problems – Nov 2012
- Association between season of birth and suicide – perhaps vitamin D – Sept 2012
- Depression 50 percent more likely if low vitamin D in early pregnancy – Aug 2012
- Pregnant blacks 50 pcnt more likely to be depressed if 3 ng less vitamin D – July 2012
- Depressed mothers more likely to have small babies – Aug 2010
- An Exploratory Study of Postpartum Depression and Vitamin D - May 2010
Vitamin D Life -
29 studies in both categories Depression and Omega-3 This list is automatically updated
- Overweight needed more EPA (4 grams) to fight depression – RCT Aug 2022
- Anxiety, depression, and suicide have recently surged (Note: Vitamin D, Omega-3, and Magnesium help) – May 2022
- Omega-3 did not prevent depression (they failed to reduce Omega-6, which blocks Omega-3) – RCT Dec 2021
- Mental health not helped by vitamin D monotherapy (adding Omega-3 and Magnesium help) – review Nov 2021
- Benefits of Omega-3 plus Vitamin D were additive – RCT Sept 2021
- Depression treatments: diet, exercise, bright light, Vitamin D, B12, Omega-3, Zinc, Music, etc. – May 2019
- Omega-3 helps treat Major Depression – International Consensus Sept 2019
- Mental disorders fought by Omega-3 etc. - meta-meta-analysis Oct 2019
- Omega-3 reduces Depression. Anxiety, Stress, PTSD, etc. – Aug 2018
- Depression treated by Omega-3 (again) – meta-analysis Aug 2019
- Depression after childbirth 5 X less likely if good Omega-3 index – April 2019
- Occupational burnout reduced after 8 weeks of Omega-3 – RCT July 2019
- Anxiety severity reduced if more than 2 grams of Omega-3 – meta-analysis Sept 2018
- Psychotic disorders not treated by Omega-3 when patents take anti-depressants and get therapy – June 2018
- Happy Nurses Project gave Omega-3 for 3 months – reduced depression, insomnia, anxiety, etc for a year – RCT July 2018
- Depression – is it reduced by Vitamin D and or Omega-3 – RCT 2019
- Benefits of Omega-3 beyond heart health - LEF Feb 2018
- Omega-3 improves gut bacteria, reduces inflammation and depression – Dec 2017
- Unipolar depression treated by Omega-3, Zinc, and probably Vitamin D – meta-analysis Oct 2017
- Omega-3 reduces many psychiatric disorders – 2 reviews 2016
- Omega-3 does not consistently treat depression if use small amounts for short time period – review Oct 2016
- How Omega-3 Fights Depression – LEF July 2016
- Depression due to inflammation reduced by Omega-3 (children and pregnant) – Nov 2015
- Depression treated somewhat by Omega-3 (St. John's Wort better) – RAND org reviews 2015
- Depression substantially decreased with Omega-3 – Sept 2015
- Omega-3 for just 3 months greatly reduced psychosis for 80 months – RCT Aug 2015
- Omega-3 prevents PTSD and some mood disorders - Aug 2015
- Omega-3, Vitamin D, and other nutrients decrease mental health problems – March 2015
- Serotonin regulated by Vitamin D – part 1 autism – Feb 2014
260 items in Depression category - wiki page:
- International Adolescent Anxiety and suicide rates - GBD April 2024
- Elderly with low vitamin D were depressed, anxious, or stressed (Saudi Arabia) – March 2024
- More depression if less vitamin D getting to cells (poor VDR) – March 2024
- Depression with low vitamin D increased risk of CVD and Cancer deaths – Jan 2024
- Central Nervous System protection by Vitamin D - Dec 2023
- Low Vitamin D is associated with risk of Depression 5X, Stress 4.8 X, and Anxiety 3.9 X (Saudi Arabia college students) – July 2023
- Depression would be cost-effectively decreased in teens by Vitamin D (Iran) – July 2023
- Global burden of brain disorders surpasses cardiovascular disease and cancer - July 2023
- Depression in seniors greatly reduced by Vitamin D (e.g. 50,000 IU) – meta-analysis June 2023
- Depressed infants have very low Vitamin D (7.5 ng) – June 2023
- Infants getting an additional 800 IU of vitamin D for 2 years had 60% fewer psychiatric symptoms at age 7 – RCT May 2023
- 17% of US currently depressed (Vitamin D etc. can reduce it) – May 2023
- Depression in Icelandic men 2.5 X more likely if vitamin D deficient – Nov 2015
- Post-partum depression and low Vitamin D - many studies
- Depression is especially reduced by large intermittent doses of vitamin D – meta-analysis – April 2023
- Depression: Low vitamin D in the strongest of 11 risk factors – Jan 2023
- Depression reduced if take more than 5,000 IU of vitamin D daily – umbrella meta-analysis – Jan 2023
- Anxiety and Depression decreased in senior prediabetics with weekly 25,000 IU of Vitamin D – RCT Sept 2022
- Depression and Anxiety treatment with Vitamin D - probable molecular pathways - June 2022
- Depression decreased by Vitamin D (12th study in Vitamin D Life) – RCT Nov 2022
- Depression more likely if low vitamin D (3.5 X prediabetic women in this case) – Oct 2022
- Antidepressants reduce cellular Vitamin D, increasing fractures, CVD, etc. - Oct 2022
- Overweight needed more EPA (4 grams) to fight depression – RCT Aug 2022
- Depression reduced if use more than 2,800 IU of vitamin D – meta-analysis Aug 2022
- Depression is treated by 2,000 IU of Vitamin D – 2 meta-analyses July 2022
- Depression is often associated with low D and treated by Vitamin D – April 2022
- Anxiety, depression, and suicide have recently surged (Note: Vitamin D, Omega-3, and Magnesium help) – May 2022
- Off-topic: Depression gone after participating in 5 day Tony Robins event - May 2022
- Vitamin D is a biomarker for autoimmune, neurological and psychiatric diseases - Jan 2022
- Postpartum depression 3.6 X higher risk if low vitamin D – Jan 2022
- Omega-3 did not prevent depression (they failed to reduce Omega-6, which blocks Omega-3) – RCT Dec 2021
- Post-stroke depression not reduced by 2,000 IU of vitamin D (not a surprise) – Nov 2021
- Mental health not helped by vitamin D monotherapy (adding Omega-3 and Magnesium help) – review Nov 2021
- Depression is treated by vitamin D (when enough is given) – review Oct 2021
- Benefits of Omega-3 plus Vitamin D were additive – RCT Sept 2021
- Psychotic problems associated with low vitamin D – review Sept 2021
- More vitamin D needed, unsure level needed and for how long (depression in this case) – Review Aug 2021
- Weekly Vitamin D plus daily Magnesium is great (reduced depression in obese women in this case) – July 2021
- Depression treated by 50K IU Vitamin D weekly (but not 1,000 IU daily) – meta-analysis Jan 2021
- Mental health of children: vast majority of studies reviewed found that vitamin D helped – March 2021
- 2.5 X more health compaints in children and youths if low vitamin D – Jan 2021
- ADHD 3.7 X higher risk if depressed pregnancy (low vitamin D) – Dec 2020
- Risk of Major Depressive Disorder increased 2.2 X by a poor Vitamin D receptor – Oct 2020
- 2.3 X increase in COVID-19 death if mentally ill (associations: Mental Illness and Low Vitamin D, Low D and COVID-19 death) – Oct 2, 2020
- Depression strongly associated with low Vitamin D – Review Jan 2020
- Vitamin D reduced depression – single 300,000 IU – RCT Aug 2020
- Middle Eastern women living in Sweden 23X higher risk to be anxious if low vitamin D – Feb 2020
- Depression in psychiatric youths reduced 28 percent after just 1 month of vitamin D – RCT Feb 2020
- Depression associated with poor Vitamin D Receptor (in mice) – Dec 2019
- 95 percent of depressed patients in Egypt had low vitamin D – Feb 2020
- Yet another study confirms Depression is treated by weekly Vitamin D (50,000 IU)– RCT Dec 2019
- Depression substantially reduced by Vitamin D, Omega-3, Magnesium, etc – many studies
- Depression treatments: diet, exercise, bright light, Vitamin D, B12, Omega-3, Zinc, Music, etc. – May 2019
- Boost Your Winter Mood and Productivity with vitamin D or morning light
- Depression decreased after vitamin D (50,000 IU weekly to elderly in the case) – RCT Oct 2019
- Omega-3 helps treat Major Depression – International Consensus Sept 2019
- Posttraumatic stress disorder 5X more likely if both low vitamin D and poor gene (VDBP) – Sept 2019
- Mental disorders fought by Omega-3 etc. - meta-meta-analysis Oct 2019
- Omega-3 reduces Depression. Anxiety, Stress, PTSD, etc. – Aug 2018
- General Anxiety Disorder treated by weekly Vitamin D (50,000 IU -Omega-3, Mg also help) – Sept 2019
- Vitamin D - no cure for depression (when you use only 1200 IU) – Aug 2019
- Depression treated by Omega-3, Magnesium, Zinc, probiotics, etc - Sept 2017
- Depression treated by Omega-3 (again) – meta-analysis Aug 2019
- Depression after childbirth 5 X less likely if good Omega-3 index – April 2019
- Depression in University students proportional to degree of Vitamin D deficiency (39 countries) – July 2019
- Occupational burnout reduced after 8 weeks of Omega-3 – RCT July 2019
- Depression less likely if more Vitamin D (12 percent per 10 ng) – meta-analysis July 2019
- Children with allergies often depressed and anxious (low micro-nutrients, such as vitamin D, were not mentioned) – July 2019
- Depression reduced in Diabetics with 3 months of 4,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT July 2019
- Summer SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) – Middle East June 2019
- Magnesium Puts Psychiatric Drugs to Shame for Depression – March 2019
- Postpartum Depression 3.3 X more likely if low vitamin D – Oct 2018
- Shift workers have low vitamin D, poorer sleep, and are more depressed – March 2019
- Vitamin D prevents pregnancy depression (US Prevention Task Force say it cannot be prevented) - Feb 2019
- Hypothesis – Brain plasticity improved by Vitamin D – Feb 2019
- Multiple Sclerosis depression reduced by 10,000 IU of vitamin D – Jan 2019
- Major depression associated with vitamin D Binding Protein in youths – March 2018
- This Vitamin Is Linked To 75% Lower Depression Risk - Dec 2018
- Depression probably treated by bi-weekly 50,000 IU of vitamin D - RCT 2020
- Frailty 2X less likely in depressed seniors having a good level of vitamin D – Nov 2018
- Depression is associated with stroke if low vitamin D or winter – Nov 2018
- Dr. Coimbra discusses Vitamin D, Magnesium, Folic Acid, B12, Autism, Depression, etc – Sept 2018
- Depressed adults with low vitamin D - decrease in depression associated with increase in vitamin D – Oct 2018
- Depression following a stroke is 2.7 X more likely if low vitamin D – Sept 2018
- Depression twice as common in Diabetics (both have low vitamin D) – Aug 2018
- Anxiety severity reduced if more than 2 grams of Omega-3 – meta-analysis Sept 2018
- If struggling with mental health you may need Omega-3, Vitamin D. Iron, Probiotics, etc. – US News Sept 2018
- Off Topic: Fewer mental health problems if eat fermented foods (since ancient times) and microbiota – 2014
- Centenarians with good vitamin D were 1.5 X less likely to depressed – Aug 2018
- Musculoskeletal pain was 5.9 X more likely to be associated with depression if low vitamin D – Aug 2018
- Less depression in seniors taking enough Omega-3 – meta-analysis July 2018
- Vitamin D RCT – control to get same dose, but delayed by 1 month – 2020
- Psychotic disorders not treated by Omega-3 when patents take anti-depressants and get therapy – June 2018
- Depression in Nepalese 3.5 X more likely if low vitamin D – Sept 2018
- Vitamin D treatment of diabetes (50,000 IU every 2 weeks) augmented by probiotic – RCT June 2018
- Better Mental, Emotional and General health with better vitamin D – Oct 2017
- Suicides are now the 2nd largest cause of death for age 10-35 (perhaps low Vitamin D) – May 2018
- Vitamin D Supplementation May Help Ease Depression - May 2018
- 91 percent of psychiatric hospital admissions had less than 20 ng of vitamin D – May 2018
- Omega-3 and Vitamin D each treat many mental health problems - April 2018
- Depressed black pregnant women should take vitamin D – April 2018
- Happy Nurses Project gave Omega-3 for 3 months – reduced depression, insomnia, anxiety, etc for a year – RCT July 2018
- Mentally ill patients using clozapine were 16 X more likely have low vitamin D – 2017
- Depression – is it reduced by Vitamin D and or Omega-3 – RCT 2019
- Depression substantially reduced by getting Vitamin D above 40 ng plus multi-nutrients – Pure North Feb 2018
- Women had better sexual desire, orgasm and satisfaction after Vitamin D supplementation – Feb 2018
- Depression reduced by Vitamin D – literature review Feb 2018
- Benefits of Omega-3 beyond heart health - LEF Feb 2018
- Omega-3 improves gut bacteria, reduces inflammation and depression – Dec 2017
- Vitamin D depression RCT canceled: too many were taking Vitamin D supplements, etc. Feb 2018
- Nerve growth and survival depends on BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor), which is associated with Vitamin D
- Hospital length of stay for depressed patients – 29 days if SE facing room, 59 days if NW – July 2016
- Unipolar depression treated by Omega-3, Zinc, and probably Vitamin D – meta-analysis Oct 2017
- Why is teen anxiety increasing so much (no mention of Magnesium, Vitamin D nor Omega-3) – Oct 2017
- Magnesium in Healthcare (Rickets, Stones, Pregnancy, Depression, etc.) with level of evidence – Sept 2017
- Heart Failure with depression increases risk of death by 9.5 X if low vitamin D – Aug 2017
- Depression in adolescent girls reduced somewhat by 50,000 IU weekly for 9 weeks – July 2017
- Malay women 14 X more likely to be Vitamin D deficient than Chinese in Malay – July 2017
- Depression greatly reduced by taking 250 mg of Magnesium Chloride daily for 6 weeks– RCT June 2017
- Depression in Chronic Kidney Disease is predicted to be 6 times more likely if low vitamin D – Feb 2017
- Omega-3 reduces many psychiatric disorders – 2 reviews 2016
- Omega-3 does not consistently treat depression if use small amounts for short time period – review Oct 2016
- How Omega-3 Fights Depression – LEF July 2016
- Perinatal depression decreased 40 percent with just a few weeks of 2,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Aug 2016
- Dopamine increased with vitamin D supplementation (in rats) April 2016
- Senior Depression and Vitamin D – review March 2016
- Seasonal Affective Disorder treatments include vitamin D and bright light – review Dec 2015
- Schizophrenia sometimes associated with depression (both associated with low Vitamin D) – Dec 2015
- Battling the winter blues with vitamin D (4000 IU) Dec 2015
- Depression due to inflammation reduced by Omega-3 (children and pregnant) – Nov 2015
- Depression not reduced when vitamin D levels less than 30 nanograms – RCT Nov 2015
- Behavior changes due to low vitamin D – in rodents – Nov 2015
- Hypothesis – A SAD risk factor is low vitamin D – Nov 2014
- Depression is associated with low Magnesium – meta-analysis April 2015
- Depression treated somewhat by Omega-3 (St. John's Wort better) – RAND org reviews 2015
- Depression substantially decreased with Omega-3 – Sept 2015
- Depression Hospitalization associated with low vitamin D – Sept 2015
- Depression is sometimes associated with low Magnesium – review 2013
- Depression 13X more likely with polycystic ovary syndrome if low vitamin D – Sept 2015
- Psychiatric distress 2.4X more likely if low vitamin D – July 2015
- Omega-3 for just 3 months greatly reduced psychosis for 80 months – RCT Aug 2015
- Omega-3 prevents PTSD and some mood disorders - Aug 2015
- Vitamin D for depression and PCOS: killing two birds with one stone ( should be 60 birds) – July 2015
- Depression 7X more likely in male youths if low vitamin D - Oct 2014
- Elderly depression associated with low vitamin D - July 2015
- Depression in youths associated with low vitamin D during pregnancy – Oct 2014
- Omega-3, Vitamin D, and other nutrients decrease mental health problems – March 2015
- Most depression drugs are carcinogenic in animals, but vitamin D is not – May 2015
- Light Therapy Lamp review - for Seasonal Affective Disorder - May 2015
- No longer depressed, but risk of stroke is still 1.7X higher (did not consider low vitamin D) – May 2015
- Suicide rate among Native American teens increasing (yet no mention of low vitamin D) – May 2015
- Depression greatly reduced with higher levels of vitamin D – April 2014
- Low Vitamin D Permeates All Stages of Psychosis – April 2015
- Seasonal affective disorder not treated by 2800 IU of vitamin D (no surprise) – RCT Aug 2014
- Depression 30 percent less likely if more than 30 ng of vitamin D – March 2015
- ALL of the top 10 health problems of women are associated with low vitamin D
- Depression appears to consume vitamin D – Feb 2015
- Clinical Trials of vitamin D can have “biological flaws” – Jan 2015
- Post stroke depression 9X more likely if low vitamin D – Dec 2014
- Depression 2X more common among diabetics, both associated with low vitamin D – 2014
- Depression and low Vitamin D – review 2014
- Slight depression not reduced by adding vitamin D if already had enough (no surprise) – meta-analysis – Nov 2014
- Mental stress significantly lowered the vitamin D levels of Heart patients – Sept 2014
- Adults with intellectual disabilities under psychiatric care have low levels of vitamin D – Sept 2014
- Less recent sun, more suicide (similar title to our short video: less sun, more disease) – Sept 2014
- Postpartum depression 7X more likely if less than 10 ng of vitamin D – Sept 2014
- Suicide associated with low vitamin D - many studies
- Just 1500 IU of Vitamin D significantly helps Prozac – RCT March 2013
- Depression after pregnancy and vitamin D – Nov 2013
- Your health has a symbiotic relationship with 100 Trillion Bacteria – Mercola Aug 2014
- Stroke patients with low vitamin D were 10X more likely to become depressed – Aug 2014
- The Single Vitamin That's a Double Whammy Against Both Depression and Dementia (Mercola) – Aug 2014
- SAD not reduced by 2800 IU of vitamin D (no surprise, not sad to say) – Aug 2014
- More depression associated with more dementia in seniors (vitamin D not mentioned) – July 2014
- Depression and Vitamin D during Pregnancy – Dissertation Aug 2014
- Depression during pregnancy twice as likely if consume little vitamin D – July 2014
- Hypothesis: Vitamin D is the link between Osteoporosis, Obesity, and Diabetes – April 2014
- Tricyclic antidepressants reduce the active but not the normally measured form of vitamin D in seniors – April 2014
- Anti-depression medication about as good as big increase in vitamin D – meta-analysis of flawless data April 2014
- Depression might be reduced by vitamin D – meta-analysis March 2014
- The happy Vitamin – Vitamin D – a 2 minute video March 2014
- Children with mental disorders have somewhat less vitamin D levels (graph) Jan 2014
- Serotonin regulated by Vitamin D – part 1 autism – Feb 2014
- The Role of Vitamin D in Depression: From a Curious Idea to a Therapeutic Option (noabstract) – Dec 2013
- Inflammation causes Depression, perhaps this is why vitamin D helps with depression – Sept 2013
- Severely depressed elderly 2X more likely to have severe vitamin D deficiency – May 2013
- Antidepressant Drugs of minimal value unless very depressed – JAMA Jan 2010
- Reduced depression with single 300,000 IU injection of vitamin D – RCT June 2013
- A protocol to review of vitamin D supplementation in depression in adults – Aug 2013
- 40,000 IU vitamin D weekly reduced depression in many obese subjects – RCT 2008
- Vitamin D deficiency and psychiatric illness: evidence-based review – April 2013
- First episode psychosis associated with a 33 percent lower vitamin D in 3 races – Sept 2013
- 50,000 IU Vitamin D weekly Improves Mood, Lowers Blood Pressure in Type 2 Diabetics – Oct 2013
- Increased incidence of depression – perhaps due to lower vitamin D
- Review of Vitamin D3 and depression in older adults (take 1000-2000 IU) – Sept 2013
- Magnesium reduces depression etc. – Aug 2013
- The new happy pill, vitamin D – Prevention July 2013
- 99 percent of psychiatric population had less than 30 ng of vitamin D – June 2013
- Fewest Google searches for Mental Health when there is lots of vitamin D from the sun – May 2013
- Low vitamin D and depression - Study and meta-analysis, April 2013
- Every school shooter had used antidepression drugs, but how many were low on vitamin D
- 2X more likely to be depressed if low vitamin D (cohort studies) - Meta-analysis Jan 2013
- Low vitamin D intake associated with depressive symptoms in senior women – Oct 2011
- Mental health problems cut in half when have adequate level of vitamin D – Jan 2013
- First and 2nd generation migrants 2X more likely to have psychotic disorders – Jan 2013
- Suicide 2X more likely with low vitamin D (in military) – Jan 2013
- Psychiatric disorders in a few elderly associated with insufficient vitamin D – Sept 2012
- Depression
- Antidepressants might increase infertility and pregnancy problems – Nov 2012
- Depression book talks about vitamin D - Nov 2012
- Hypothesis: Some Mental Illness could be treated or prevented with vitamin D
- Much less depression if higher than 43 ng of vitamin D – Oct 2012
- Association between season of birth and suicide – perhaps vitamin D – Sept 2012
- 400 IU vitamin D was not enough to stop depression - Aug 2012
- Depression 50 percent more likely if low vitamin D in early pregnancy – Aug 2012
- Major depression associated with low vitamin D and low bone density – July 2012
- Pregnant blacks 50 pcnt more likely to be depressed if 3 ng less vitamin D – July 2012
- Depression not reduced with 5700 IU vitamin D average in 6 months – July 2012
- Psychosis in dark skinned people 3.5 X higher if low level of vitamin D – May 2012
- High levels of vitamin D associated with somewhat less depression – Mayo Nov 2011
- Teens no longer depressed after vitamin D raised to 36 ng – Feb 2012
- Mood disorders 11X worse for older adults with low vitamin D – 2006
- Psychiatric disorders 4X more likely in teens if low vitamin D - Nov 2011
- Depression 40 percent more likely if low vitamin D – Oct 2011
- 36 percent less depression when have high level of vitamin D – July 2011
- Serotonin related to season, light and perhaps latitude and vitamin D
- Hypothesis non-severe depression and diabetes related by low vitamin D – June 2011
- SAD rate 10X higher in cloudy Seattle than sunny Florida - April 2011
- Depression in UAE peaks in the summer – probably due to sun avoidance – Feb 2011
- Less than 20 ng vitamin D increases depression by 80 percent – Dec 2010
- Earthquake and Vitamin D - several studies
- Young almost 2X more likely to be depressed if vitamin D less than 20ng – Nov 2010
- Hypothesis - Reduce insomnia with vitamin D
- Many articles on Senior depression - 35 percent with less than 10 ng – Sept 2010
- Elderly men lacking vitamin D tend to be depressed – Sept 2010
- vitamin D variations and mental health - Aug 2010
- Hypothesis lack of vitamin D leads to depression leads to alcohol use
- Depression, vitamin D, Magnesium: no agreement Jan 2012
- Depressed mothers more likely to have small babies – Aug 2010
- An Exploratory Study of Postpartum Depression and Vitamin D - May 2010
- Depressed people had less than 10 ng of vitamin D – July 2010
- Depression in cardiovascular patients is associated with less than 15 ng vitamin D – June 2010
- One person used vitamin D to cure SAD – Jan 2009
- Men depressed in summer while women depressed in autumn – May 2010
- Prisoners have very low vitamin D and get TB, influenza, and depression
- Vitamin D not fade in stored blood - levels did vary with season – Jan 2010
- Chicago Sun Times on vitamin D: Depression, chest pain, fibromyalgia, Holick, 3000 IU without test - May 2010
- Wondering about SAD, Vitamin D deficiency and lack of UV when no snow
- Senior women with less than 20 ng vitamin D were 2X more likely to become depressed May 2010
- Psychotics in Norway found to be vitamin D deficient - April 2010
- Table of outcomes for seniors vs vitamin D level
- IOM Report 2009 Table of Contents
- Vitamin D and help prevent depression - April 2010
- Cannell Newsletter April 21 2010
Items associated with Depression: Omega-3 29; Top news 22; Cognitive 21; Pregnancy 20; Intervention 17; Meta-analysis 15; Magnesium 14; Diabetes 10; Seniors 10; Stroke. 9; Intervention - non daily. 8; Youth 8; etc.
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