Toggle Health Problems and D


Rank Wiki top pages Hits
1 Vitamin D Life 16314601
2 One pill every two weeks gives you all the vitamin D most adults need 414868
3 Overview Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue and vitamin D 363366
4 Search Results 357435
5 No longer easily bruised: due to vitamins, probably vitamin D 333357
6 50,000 IU of Vitamin D every 2 weeks reduced gestational diabetes – RCT Feb 2015 324798
7 Overview Magnesium and vitamin D 275356
8 COVID-19 Coronavirus can most likely be fought by Vitamin D 263474
9 60,000 IU vitamin D weekly with daily Calcium was safe but not enough in the winter – 2012 251118
10 Vitamin D reduces hair loss 249104
11 Vitamin D bulb for use in the home - or perhaps office 237727
12 New pages 232598
13 Smoking reduces vitamin D 217224
14 Overview Parkinsons and Vitamin D 216361
15 No – 10 minutes per day of sun-UVB is NOT enough 213440
16 Vitamin D reduces sepsis 210785
17 Gout and Vitamin D 209976
18 Overview Schizophrenia and Vitamin D 207450
19 Hearing Loss appears to be prevented and treated with vitamin D 203288
20 Statins and vitamin D 203146
21 Does Less Sun mean More Disease 197102
22 Hypothesis – Fatigue the day after sex is due to deficiency of Vitamin D, Magnesium, and Zinc 187037
23 ALS treated by vitamin D 186648
24 Overview Rare Allergic reaction to vitamin D 185305
25 Concussions (traumatic brain injury) getting big press coverage, vitamin D might be both a cause and a solution 184033
26 Overview Hyperparathyroidism and vitamin D 178540
27 Shingles and vitamin D 177786
28 Vitamin D content of over 400 types of food 176196
29 Vitamin D from low-cost UVB lamps 173564
30 Overview Sports and vitamin D 172942
31 Migraine and Vitamin D 171681
32 Overview Influenza and vitamin D 160550
33 New blog posts 148456
34 Mental Illness and Vitamin D 147187
35 Restless Legs Syndrome dramatically reduced by vitamin D, etc 146685
36 Chronic Hives treated by Vitamin D - many studies 146036
37 Shin splints decrease with vitamin D 145108
38 Take vitamin D3 daily or weekly 142799
39 Quick, free, self test of vitamin D deficiency 142722
40 Air Pollution reduces Vitamin D 140742
41 Gestational Diabetes reduced with 50,000 IU of vitamin D every 3 weeks and daily Calcium – RCT June 2014 140623
42 Raynaud's pain decreased with 600,000 IU monthly vitamin D – RCT May 2012 137101
43 Respiratory infections reduced by 63 percent with 4000 IU vitamin D daily - RCT Dec 2012 133223
44 How often might 50000 IU vitamin D be taken - results of clinical trials 132619
45 Proof that Vitamin D Works 131594
46 Soldiers need vitamin D, but levels cut in half in 18 years – March 2014 131083
47 Some people have problems with vitamin D 129228
48 Cluster headaches substantially reduced by 10,000 IU of Vitamin D in 80 percent of people 126940
49 Alzheimers-Cognition - Overview 126759
50 Can You Overdose on Vitamin D - It's Harder Than You Think 120504
51 UV and Vitamin D calculators 115315
52 Overview MS and vitamin D 112222
53 Headache with vitamin D may mean you need Magnesium 110427
54 Burn patients have little vitamin D and benefit when it is restored 109990
55 Low cost vitamin D Blood Tests 104482
56 Low cost cofactors for vitamin D 103710
57 Vitamin D Cure- book 102183
58 Overview Cancer and vitamin D 98801
59 Overview Loading of vitamin D 96510
60 Overview Pregnancy and vitamin D 95686
61 Overview Vitamin K and Vitamin D 94496
62 Lupus again found to be related to vitamin D deficiency - should supplementation start? – May 2010 93375
63 Overview Toxicity of vitamin D 91354
64 Overview Autism and vitamin D 90272
65 Gallbladder removal and vitamin D deficiency 90093
66 Many reasons why vitamin D deficiency has become epidemic 89889
67 Side Effects and Warning for vitamin D 86578
68 Mental stress, physical stress associations with low vitamin D 82963
69 Overview Cholesterol and vitamin D 82053
70 Units Conversion 80998
71 Iron deficiency is a cause of Vitamin D deficiency 80229
72 Changed pages 78929
73 Getting Vitamin D into your body 78603
74 Overview Dark Skin and Vitamin D 77722
75 Video by Dr. Coimbra – 95 percent of auto-immune cured with vitamin D in high doses - April 2014 76877
76 Overview Diabetes and vitamin D 75358
77 Vitamin D Recommendations around the world - IU and ng 73314
78 Investigation on Roundup - glyphosate at Vitamin D Life 73021
79 Sarcoidosis (rare) problems when taking vitamin D 71909
80 Photosensitivity (sun allergy) and vitamin D 68898
81 Vitamin D may protect against Ebola 68493
82 Concern about accidentally giving infant too much liquid vitamin D – Aug 2012 67998
83 ADHD and Vitamin D Deficiency 67875
84 Calcium bioavailability and how much to take 67073
85 Overview Veterinary and vitamin D 65359
86 AboutUs 64964
87 Overview Deficiency of vitamin D 62615
88 Overview Liver and vitamin D 61524
89 Overview Seniors and Vitamin D 60973
90 Food Sources and Vitamin D 60750
91 Vitamins To Speed Up Metabolism And Aid Weight Loss – May 2011 59108
92 Reasons for low response to vitamin D 58427
93 Multiple Sclerosis 58337
94 Overview Obesity and Vitamin D 57535
95 Vitamin D3 becomes Calcidiol which becomes Calcitriol 57262
96 Overview Cardiovascular and vitamin D 57223
97 35,000 IU vitamin D daily for 6 months helped ALL psoriasis suffers (106 ng) – Brazil March 2013 56814
98 Optimize vitamin D from the sun 56671
99 Allergy - Overview 56517
100 Acne 56355
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