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Omega-3 proven to provide many benefits in 5 year VITAL trial - Nov 2018


Same information as above,
but includes probability information and can be translated to other languages

Statistically Significant Omega-3 Results from
Pre-specified Secondary Outcomes and Subgroup Analyses
p <0.05 for the association to be probable
Smaler p = more probable

Omega-3 vs. Placebo Secondary OutcomesReduced
Heart Attack28% p=0.002)
Major CVD event (heart attack, stroke,
or death from cardiovascular cause)
Fish consumption <1.5 servings/wk19% p=0.03)
African Americans with <1.5 servings of fish/wk39% p=0.049)
Secondary Outcomes - Subgroup Analyses
Heart Attack
African Americans77% p=<0.0001)
African Americans with diabetes94% p=0.005)
African Americans with 1 cardiovascular risk factor72% p=0.047)
African Americans with 2+ cardiovascular risk factors84% p=0.001)
Fish consumption <1.5 servings/wk40% p=0.0007)
Non-Hispanic Caucasians with <1.5 servings of fish/wk29% p=0.04)
African Americans with <1.5 servings of fish/wk77% p=0.003)
African Americans with ≥1.5 servings of fish/wk79% p=0.01)
Age <66.7 years (median age)40% p=0.005)
Males28% p=0.02)
Non-current Smokers21% p=0.04)
Current Smokers62% p=0.02)
Medication-treated diabetes60% p=0.0003)
Medication-treated hypertension42% p=0.0002)
Taking cholesterol medication35% p=0.02)
Without parental history of heart attack29% p=0.008)
Not assigned to vitamin D29% p=0.02)
With 2+ cardiovascular risk factors43% p=0.001)
With baseline aspirin use36% p=0.007)
With baseline statin use32% p=0.04)
All-Cause Mortality
African Americans with <1.5 servings of fish/wk36% p=0.03)
Omega-3 vs. Placebo Post-Hoc Outcomes
Death from Heart Attack50% p=0.04)
Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI; stent) 22% p=0.02)
Coronary heart disease (heart attack, PCI, CVD death)17% p=0.02)

See also Vitamin D Life


Vitamin D and Omega-3 category starts with

330 Omega-3 items in category

Omega-3 and Vitamin D separately & together help with Autism, Depression, Cardiovascular, Cognition, Pregnancy, Infant, Obesity, Mortality, Breast Cancer, Smoking, Sleep, Stroke, Surgery, Longevity, Trauma, Inflammation, MS, etc
   See also - Overview: Omega-3 many benefits include helping vitamin D

Omega-3 and Meta-analysis (items in both categories)

Review of the study by the Washington Post - April 2019

Don’t throw away your vitamin D supplements yet
"The VITAL study was poorly designed and the results have not been adequately explained in the abstract and in the press coverage. The vitamin D status of many participants was above average and the dose (2000 IU/d vitamin D3) was too low to find beneficial results for cancer incidence for the entire group. However, for those with BMI <25 kg/m2, there was a 24% reduction in all-cancer incidence. For blacks, who have lower vitamin D status than whites, there was a 23% reduction in all-cancer incidence. When the first 1-2 years of the study are omitted, there was a 21 and 25% reduction in all-cancer mortality rate. Thus, this study adds to the literature that UVB exposure and vitamin D reduce the risk of cancer incidence and mortality. Had the authors designed and analyzed the results based on achieved vitamin D status, the results would have been much stronger. One wonders whether the reporting of the results has buried the positive findings in order to benefit our disease-treatment system rather than to reduce the burden of unnecessary disease."

Created by admin. Last Modification: Tuesday April 2, 2019 17:14:42 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 14)

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