Calcium and Vitamin D category has the following summary
Calcium often causes major health problems
- Many studies have identified many health problems with Calcium supplementation
- < 750 mg of Calcium supplement daily - Vitamin D Life has recommended for 7 years
- Some believe that the health problems are due to the spike in blood Calcium from
- taking the Calcium only once per day - Dr. Greger - March 2018 text and short video
- Perhaps there would be a shorter Calcium spike (and less of a problem) if take Calcium multiple times a day
- Perhaps also less of a problem if the Calcium is plant-based
- Calcium from milk also causes 5+ major health problems 2015
- No apparent health problems from processed dairy products (cheese, yogurt, etc)
- Calcium supplements are less of a problem if have adequate Vitamin K
- which keeps Calcium from forming blood-system plaque
- 2.7X increase in rate of Colon polyps in 6-10 years RCT March 2018
- Calcium from food or supplements associated with more deaths (US Cohort of 31,000 people) – April 2019
Overview Calcium bioavailability and how much to take has the following
- All items with Calcium in Vitamin D Life
204 items - Calcium from food or supplements associated with more deaths (US Cohort of 31,000 people) – April 2019
- More Calcium absorbed with more vitamin D – 6.7% more with 4000 IU – RCT March 2014
- Decrease Calcium and Increase Magnesium when increasing vitamin D
- Calcium supplements proven to NOT reduce fractures, but are proven to INCREASE heart problems – July 2015
- More than 1.4 grams of Calcium increased male death rate by 1.4 X – Sept 2018
- 10,000 IU of Vitamin D is too much if you also take Calcium supplements – RCT Sept 2018
- Calcium Essential to Limit Osteoporosis but Avoid Excess, Say Europeans - Nov 2017
- Hypercalcemia can result from excess Vitamin D (if not reduce Ca or increase water) Oct 2016
- Must balance co-factors when increasing vitamin D 500 Ca, 500 Mg - which has the following concept graph
Amazon (US) has >400 plant-based Calcium supplements
Nice 7 year trial of Algae Calcium - 2016
A 7-Year Longitudinal Trial of the Safety and Efficacy of a Vitamin/Mineral Enhanced Plant-Sourced Calcium Supplement
Problems with the study- Not a controlled trial
- Great decrease in participants during the trial
- Funded by the supplier
But the results are most promising
 Download the PDF from Vitamin D LifePlant-based Calcium probably better than rock-based192 visitors, last modified 28 Mar, 2022, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Vitamin D and Calcium204 Attached files
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