Toggle Health Problems and D

Grassroots Health participants Vitamin D vs age, intake, and resulting level – Sept 2013

Grassroots Health D-Action Project

Note: the D-action participants pay a lot to keep their vitamin D levels 40-50 ng
They are tested 4X per year (@ $70/test), so they pay about $300/year. ($ test + $ vitamin d)

Note: Henry Lahore, admin of Vitamin D Life, pays $47 for a test once every 18 months, for a total annual cost of $47*2/3 + $17(vitamin D) = $50/year
Neither cost includes cofactors: Omega-3 is the most expensive cofactor

Grassroot participants age @ is.gd/vitdageGrassroots Intake is.gd/vitdageVitamin D levels of participants is.gd/vitdage

Short url = http://is.gd/vitdage

See also Vitamin D Life

Chart of Vitamin D levels vs disease - Grassroots Health June 2013

Vitamin D levels vs disease - GrassRoots June 2013

Vitamin D supplementation - Grassroots Jan 2013

How much to supplement Grassroots Jan 2013

Response to high dose vitamin D is limited by vitamin A - July 2013

Survey from Grassroots Health July 2013

Overview Vitamin D Dose-Response

see wiki page: http://www.vitad.org/tiki-index.php?page_id=1425

see wikipage http://www.vitad.org/tiki-index.php?page_id=1660

see also Vitamin D charts from GrassrootsHealth - May 2016

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
2962 median-vit-d-serum-level-age.pdf admin 07 Sep, 2013 14:52 196.91 Kb 745
2961 median-daily-vit-d-supp-intake-age.pdf PDF 2013 admin 07 Sep, 2013 14:51 200.28 Kb 788
2960 age-distribution-of-daction-parts.pdf PDF 2013 admin 07 Sep, 2013 14:51 178.24 Kb 653
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