Toggle Health Problems and D

Conception in winter increases rate of Autism, learning disabilities, dyslexia – Oct 2016

Month of Conception and Learning Disabilities: A Record-Linkage Study of 801,592 Children.

Am J Epidemiol. 2016 Oct 1;184(7):485-493. Epub 2016 Sep 20. DOI: 10.1093/aje/kww096
Mackay DF, Smith GC, Cooper SA, Wood R, King A, Clark DN, Pell JP.

Vitamin D Life

see wikipage: http://www.vitad.org/tiki-index.php?page_id=1715

Cognitive category starts with the following

Very brief summary of Cognitive decline
Treatment : Vitamin D intervention slows or stops progression
Prevention : Many observational studies - perhaps Vitamin D prevents
Omega-3 both prevents and treats cognition
Wonder the benefits if both Vitamin D AND Omega-3 were to be used

290 items in Cognition category

see also Alzheimers-Cognition - Overview
Overview Parkinsons and Vitamin D
Search Vitamin D Life for dementia anywhere in text 1190 items Jan 2019
Overview Schizophrenia and Vitamin D
Search Vitamin D Life for "WHITE MATTER" 53 items as of Jan 2017

37 minute podcast Vitamin D and the brain Vitamin D Council Sept 2014
Includes discussion by Dr. Cannell and Dr. David Llewellyn

Types of evidence that Vitamin D helps brain problems - 2014

 Download the PDF from Vitamin D Life



Learning Disabilities


Learning Difficulties (lncluding dyslexia)


Learning disabilities have profound, long-lasting health sequelae. Affected children born over the course of 1 year in the United States of America generated an estimated lifetime cost of $51.2 billion. Results from some studies have suggested that autistic spectrum disorder may vary by season of birth, but there have been few studies in which investigators examined whether this is also true of other causes of learning disabilities. We undertook Scotland-wide record linkage of education (annual pupil census) and maternity (Scottish Morbidity Record 02) databases for 801,592 singleton children attending Scottish schools in 2006-2011. We modeled monthly rates using principal sine and cosine transformations of the month number and demonstrated cyclicity in the percentage of children with special educational needs. Rates were highest among children conceived in the first quarter of the year (January-March) and lowest among those conceived in the third (July-September) (8.9% vs 7.6%; P < 0.001).

Seasonal variations were specific to

  • autistic spectrum disorder,
  • intellectual disabilities, and
  • learning difficulties (e.g., dyslexia)

and were absent for sensory or motor/physical impairments and mental, physical, or communication problems. Seasonality accounted for 11.4% (95% confidence interval: 9.0, 13.7) of all cases. Some biologically plausible causes of this variation, such as infection and maternal vitamin D levels, are potentially amendable to intervention.

Created by admin. Last Modification: Tuesday August 20, 2019 01:50:45 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 5)

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
10578 Learning Disability season.jpg admin 21 Sep, 2018 15:48 12.65 Kb 347
10577 Intellectual disability season.jpg admin 21 Sep, 2018 15:47 11.65 Kb 317
10576 Autism season.jpg admin 21 Sep, 2018 15:47 11.27 Kb 318
10575 Learning Disabilities season.pdf admin 21 Sep, 2018 15:43 245.49 Kb 251
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