Covid fight: New protocol proposed
- “It is a well-established and accepted fact by all in the medical and scientific field that no one is dying due to the direct attack of the virus but deaths are due to the overwhelming response of defence system to kill the virus. Here the immunomodulating effect of vitamin D combined with Melatonin works,”
- "A government-approved protocol for management of Covid-19 using Vitamin C and D, Melatonin and prophylactic antifungal Rx supplementation will in the short term as well as long term result in substantial prevention and containment of the present rate of fatalities, pointed out the team. "
See also Vitamin D Life
COVID-19 treated by Vitamin D - studies, reports, videos
As of Jan 21 had: 34 trials, 4 trial results, 12 meta-analyses and reviews, 44 observations, 25 recommendations, 41 associations, 83 speculations, 36 videos see also COVID-19 and Vitamin D: Governments. Health problems. Hospitals
Clinical trials are proving that Vitamin D fights COVID-19 in hospitals includes
3 very successful Clinical Trials have been published so far (31 trials underway)
- COVID-19 defeated by calcifediol form of Vitamin D in Spain - pilot RCT Aug 29, 2020
- Trial used a faster-acting form of vitamin D which is only available by prescription
- COVID-19 defeated 3x faster by 420,000 IU Vitamin D nanoemulsion – RCT Nov 12, 2020 - supplier not stated
- Nanoemulsion forms of Vitamin D might be faster acting than Calcifediol (above) if swished in the mouth (gets directly to the blood, is not delayed by gut)
- 20+ Vitamin D emulsion suppliers on Amazon Nutrasal Micro D3 1 teaspoon = 200,000 IU
- but not (yet) available thru pharmacies nor medical suppliers
- 2X fewer COVID-19 deaths observed with 300,000 IU of vitamin D