GreenMedInfo Jan 2016
Reporting on several studies including the latest in the British Medical Journal
Why cancer screening has never been shown to “save lives”—and what we can do about it
(Includes audio)
"Discrepancies between disease specific and overall mortality were found in direction or magnitude in seven of 12 randomised trials of cancer screening.8 Despite reductions in disease specific mortality in the majority of studies, overall mortality was unchanged or increased. "
 Download the PDF from Vitamin D Life
Whereas Vitamin D extends lives (both specific and all cause mortality)
See also Vitamin D Life
The Meta-analysis of Mortality and Vitamin D are listed here:
- Deaths from many types of Cancer associated with low vitamin D- review of meta-analyses Sept 2020
- People supplemented with Vitamin D had 13 percent fewer Cancer deaths – Meta-analysis of RCT June 2019
- Cancer with low Vitamin D increases Mortality by 13 percent – meta-analysis Feb 2019
- Decreased Vitamin D is associated with dying sooner (70 studies) – meta-analysis Jan 2019
- Prostate Cancer death 40 percent less likely if 40 ng level of vitamin D – Meta-analysis Oct 2018
- Review of meta-analyses of non-skeletal benefits of vitamin D (Mortality, RTI, etc) – July 2017
- Chronic Kidney Disease mortality is 60 percent less likely if good vitamin D – meta-analysis July 2017
- Lung Cancer death 60 percent less likely if high level of vitamin D – 2 meta-analysis 2017
- Breast Cancer Mortality reduced 60 percent if more than 60 ng of Vitamin D – meta-analysis June 2017
- Cardiovascular deaths 12 percent less likely if have 10 ng more vitamin D – meta-analysis March 2017
- ICU patients 30 percent less likely to die if have enough vitamin D – meta-analysis Nov 2016
- Less likely to die if have enough vitamin D - Meta-analysis June 2014
- Cancer survival 4 percent more likely with just a little more vitamin D (4 ng) - meta-analysis July 2014
- Death due to breast cancer reduced 40 percent if high vitamin D – meta-analysis April 2014
- Vitamin D reduces risk of cause specific death, unless it is D2 – meta-analysis BMJ April 2014
- More survive Breast Cancer if more vitamin D – 2X fewer deaths with just 30 ng -meta-analysis March 2014
- Colorectal and Breast Cancer – Vitamin D is associated with fewer deaths – meta-analysis Feb 2014
- Death of women from cancer 24 percent less likely if 20 ng more vitamin D – meta-analysis Sept 2013
- Chance of dying increases by 25 percent in seniors if low vitamin D – Meta-analysis July 2013
- Breast Cancer survival 2X more likely if vitamin D sufficient – meta-analysis May 2013
- Vitamin D with Calcium reduces mortality by 7 percent – meta-analysis May 2012
- Death rate reduced 8 percent for 8 nanogram more vitamin D – meta-analysis Feb 2012
- 40 ng Vitamin D perhaps optimal for reduced mortality – Meta-analysis Jan 2012
- Vitamin D3 but not D2 reduces mortality – meta-analysis July 2011
- Vitamin D and mortality a meta-analysis of RCT - 2008