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UV has treated psoriasis for over a century, guidelines finally agreed upon – Aug 2019

Joint guidelines explore best practices in NB-UVB therapy for psoriasis

Reporting on “Joint American Academy of Dermatology–National Psoriasis Foundation guidelines of care for the management and treatment of psoriasis with phototherapy”
 Download the Guidelines from Vitamin D Life

Vitamin D Life

Note: Dermatologists have come to a consensus in having people come into the office many times for treatment. They have ignored the possibility of people curing their psoriasis or other skin problems at home with UV, oral Vitamin D, or Topical vitamin D
Note by Founder of Vitamin D Life:
Topical Vitamin D works great for many skin problems, not just psoriasis. Vitamin D oil (2,000 IU per drop), and Vitamin D Aloe Cream (10,000 IU per pump) both work within days

Items in both categories Psoriasis and UV are listed here:

Psoriasis photo therapies for adults
1) Narrowband ultraviolet B (NB-UVB)
2) Broadband ultraviolet B (BB-UVB)
3) Targeted phototherapy (excimer laser and excimer lamp)
4) Psoralen plus ultraviolet A (PUVA) therapy
  a. Topical
  b. Bath
  c. Oral
5) Photodynamic therapy
6) Grenz ray therapy
7) Climatotherapy
8) Visible light therapy
9) Goeckerman therapy
10) Pulsed dye laser and Intense pulsed light

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