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Sarcopenia does not officially exist in Australia, but 1 in 3 of their seniors have it - July 2018

The big new disease that doesn’t officially exist in Australia July 2018

  • “.. perhaps up to 30 per cent to 40 per cent of those aged over 65” have sarcopenia
  • “Yet despite this, sarcopenia does not officially exist in Australia. It is not yet taught in medical schools and will not be added to Australia’s formal list of diseases, known as the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, until this time next year.” (2019)
  • "Sarcopenia was officially named by American scientist Irwin H. Rosenberg in the late 1980s, after the Greek words for flesh and loss, in the hope that giving it a title would force the medical community to take it more seriously""
Vitamin D Life

Items in both Vitamin D Life categories of Seniors and Sports

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