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Vitamin D cuts chance of Flu

Monday December 5, 2011

Draft of Press Release Dec 2011
Cut chance of getting flu by 80% with a pill taken just twice per month

Just buy a bottle of 50,0000 IU of vitamin D3 capsules for as little as $22. and mark your calendar to take one capsule twice a month
– for example, every other Saturday.
On the assigned day just take your sunshine in a capsule and then mark it off as taken.
50,000 IU sounds like a lot, but it is actually just 0.00125 grams, which is the weight of 6 grains of salt or 1/20 of a grain of rice

You get the most benefit if you take vitamin D with a large meal, but you can actually take it anytime that week if you forget to look at your calendar.

A bottle of 50,000 IU vitamin D3 capsules from many suppliers costs less than $26, including shipping.
(An even less expensive way to get the same amount of vitamin D is to buy 5,000 IU of vitamin D for less than $10 with shipping.
Then take 10 of the tiny capsules once every two weeks)
Within 2 months you will also likely experience one or more of these additional benefits:

  • Fewer colds, aches, pains, headaches, allergies
  • Feeling younger, feeling sexier
  • Reduced back pain, blood pressure, winter blues, weight
  • Better Sleep

Press Release and references on web page