Vitamin D Deficiency and Supplementation and Relation to Cardiovascular Health
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Summary by Vitamin D Life:
11,000 cardiology patients in Kansas (2004-2009) were allowed to take any amount of vitamin D they wanted
They were analyzed as being in one of two groups: sufficient and deficient
Those with an average of 40 ng/ml of vitamin D did MUCH better than those with an average of only 17 ng/ml
2X fewer deaths after 5 years, lower blood pressure, less atrial fibrillation, less diabetes, lower weight, etc.
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James L. Vacek, MD, Msc jlvacek at; Subba Reddy Vanga, MBBS; Mathew Good, DO; Sue Min Lai, PhD; Dhanunjaya Lakkireddy, MD; Patricia A. Howard, PharmD
Received 18 July 2011; received in revised form 13 September 2011; accepted 13 September 2011. published online 10 November 2011. Americal Journal of Cardiology
Recent evidence supports an association between vitamin D deficiency and hypertension, peripheral vascular disease, diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, coronary artery disease, and heart failure. The effect of vitamin D supplementation, however, has not been well studied. We examined the associations between vitamin D deficiency, vitamin D supplementation, and patient outcomes in a large cohort. Serum vitamin D measurements for 5 years and 8 months from a large academic institution were matched to patient demographic, physiologic, and disease variables.
The vitamin D levels were analyzed as a continuous variable and as normal (?30 ng/ml) or deficient (<30 ng/ml). Descriptive statistics, univariate analysis, multivariate analysis, survival analysis, and Cox proportional hazard modeling were performed.
Of 10,899 patients, the mean age was 58 ± 15 years, 71% were women (n = 7,758), and the average body mass index was 30 ± 8 kg/m2. The mean serum vitamin D level was 24.1 ± 13.6 ng/ml. Of the 10,899 patients, 3,294 (29.7%) were in the normal vitamin D range and 7,665 (70.3%) were deficient.
Vitamin D deficiency was associated with several cardiovascular-related diseases, including
- hypertension,
- coronary artery disease,
- cardiomyopathy, and
- diabetes (all p <0.05).
Vitamin D deficiency was a strong independent predictor of all-cause death
(odds ratios 2.64, 95% confidence interval 1.901 to 3.662, p <0.0001) after adjusting for multiple clinical variables.
Vitamin D supplementation conferred substantial survival benefit (odds ratio for death 0.39, 95% confidence interval 0.277 to 0.534, p <0.0001).
In conclusion, vitamin D deficiency was associated with a significant risk of cardiovascular disease and reduced survival.
Vitamin D supplementation was significantly associated with better survival, specifically in patients with documented deficiency.
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Cardiology patients who were vitamin D sufficient
- 23% took vitamin D: between 1,000 IU daily to 50,000 IU every two weeks:
- had average 40 ng/ml of vitamin D
The cardiology patients who were deficient had only 17 ng/ml
The cardiology patients after 5 years:
- 4 % died who had average of 40 ng of vitamin D
- 8 % died who had average of 17 ng of vitamin D
There were many measurable benefits of extra vitamin D
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See also Vitamin D Life
- Overview Cardiovascular and vitamin D
- All items in Cardiovascular and Vitamin D 144 items as of Nov 2011
- 30 ng perhaps best for cardiovascular - graphs from many countries - 2011.pdf file
- Vitamin D less than 15 ng did not predict additional cardiovascular disease events – June 2010
- Low Vitamin D associated with cardiovascular disease – June 2010
- Vitamin D is important for cardiovascular health – Sept 2010 nice chart and tables
- Cardiology diseases highly associated with low vitamin D – Oct 2010 based on 41,000 patients
- Review of heart failure and vitamin D mechanisms – Jan 2011
- Why we need large-scale heart trials of vitamin D - Dec 2010
- Patent for patients of Chronic Heart Failure includes vitamin D – June 2011
- Increasing vitamin D levels will probably reduce CVD and mortality – June 2011
- Lack of vitamin D associated with many cardiovascular problems – May 2011
- Heart Failure associated with vitamin D deficiency – Feb 2011
- 96 percent of heart failure patients had less than 30 ng of vitamin D – March 2011
See also in Vitamin D Life Cardiovascular and MORTALITY
- Vitamin D reduces both death rate and cardiovascular disease – Sept 2010
- Heart patients 10 % more likely to die for every 4 ng less vitamin D – May 2011
vs this study: which has 24 ng of difference, which resulted in not just 60% more but 150% more - Cardiovascular disease may be reduced by vitamin D – June 2011 by Dr. Grant
- Dr. Grant on vitamin D and mortality in Vitamin D Life no just cardiovascular
- All items in Mortality and vitamin D (not just Cardio) 50 items as of Nov 2011
- You are 66 percent more likely to die if low vitamin D – CDC Jan 2010 many charts and tables
- Should increase life expectancy by 2 years if double vitamin D levels – July 2011 Dr. Grant
- Mortality and vitamin D – great chart
See also in Vitamin D Life HYPERTENSION and BLOOD PRESSURE
- Meta-analysis found hypertension reduced with vitamin D – Dec 2010
- Hypertension more likely with less vitamin D - Dec 2010
- Vitamin D reduced blood pressure in random controlled trials – Nov 2010
- Systolic hypertension 4X more likely if low on vitamin D 14 years before – Nov 2010
- Hypothesis that lack of vitamin D increases blood pressure in blacks – July 2010
- Hypertension and vitamin D many papers
- Does vitamin D deficiency cause hypertension? 2010 with PDF
- 11 ng less vitamin D increases hypertension probability by 14 percent – Nov 2010
- Less than 15ng were 3X more likely to be hypertensive - 2010.pdf file
- Caucasian youths low on vitamin D were more likely to have hypertension – July 2011