From Henry Lahore - administrator of the Vitamin D Life
After reading over 5,000 papers on vitamin D I feel that some topics fall into one of the following categories
Updated Aug 2012
- Dark Skin and vitamin D
- How much vitamin D is needed by people with dark skins?
- How many generations does it take for a family with dark skin to adapt to high latitudes?
- Vitamin A - consensus that too much is bad, but lack consensus about needing some with vitamin D
- Why do 10% of the people who have >60 ng/ml need so little vitamin D to maintain that level?
- Why does it only take < 1 minute of UV to greatly increase the vitamin D in mushrooms and carrots?
- Toxic reaction to vitamin D is very rare - but how often is the "toxic" reaction due to a lack of co-factors?
- Should the vitamin D level remain constant throughout the year?
- Evolution appears to indicate that the vitamin D level should vary with the season
- UV and vitamin D
- For some conditions it appears that UV better than vitamin D (e.g. MS)
- For other conditions it appears that Vitamin D needs UV as well