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Prize given to Manson who studied vitamin D - Nov 2010

from: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/207912.php

$5000 prize

given by American Health Association to JoAnn Manson, M.D., Dr.P.H., of Boston,

for "exceptional achievement" as the leader of clinical trials clarifying major aspects of preventive medicine and women's health.

Her study included VITAL, the first large-scale trial of vitamin D and omega 3s in the primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

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Here are some of the articles which mention her or which she has co-authored on Vitamin D Life

New York Times had an article on vitamin D in Feb 2010

A comment there by Cordell:

Sadly, Dr. Manson’s study does not appear to control for magnesium deficiency which, as suggested above, is just as bad for health as too little vitamin D3. Nor does the study measure calcitriol levels which can be low despite adequate vitamin D3 levels, as among the elderly and type 2 diabetics. This will bias the results against vitamin D3 supplementation. Overall, Dr. Manson’s study is seriously flawed and will only produce greater confusion rather than enlightenment on this important matter of vitamin D3 supplementation.

CLICK HERE for Magnesium category at Vitamin D Life

Note: She was on the IOM committee which, at the end of Nov 2010 did not raise vitamin D recommendations very much - perhaps because it would have stopped her studies.

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