Do Prisoners Get More Time Outdoors Than Our Kids?
- "United Nations has standard minimum rules for the treatment of prisoners and that one of them is an hour of outdoor exercise. Every single day."
- "A study in the UK revealed that prisoners get more time outdoors than 75% of British children.
20% of British kids didn’t play outside at all on an average day."
Noontime sun creates Vitamin D in the exposed skin
No Vitamin D created if early morning or later afternoon
when the shadow is longer the person
Little Vitamin D created if very little exposed skin
Little Vitamin D created during fall and winter
- Prisoners have very low vitamin D and get TB, influenza, and depression
- Prison doctor on lack of vitamin D in solitary confinement – July 2013
Items in both categories Noon sun and Infant-Child are listed here:
- Polish children need 45 minutes of noon sun to get 800 IU of Vitamin D – July 2020
- Prisoners Get More Time Outdoors Than Children - Feb 2019
- Infant sunbathing 30 minutes a week raises vitamin D levels to only 20 ng in 6 months – Sept 2017
- Infants need more sun than 17 minutes of week on 6 percent of skin – Dec 2016
- Nepalese infants who sunbathe, etc. have much higher levels of vitamin D than their mothers – Dec 2016
- Sunlight for babies – US Govt 1933