Current recommended minimum 300 IU for age 2-60, 400 IU for >60
Nordic Countries include:Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden
See also Vitamin D Life
- Germany = 800 IU as of Jan 2012
- French Society of Paediatics Vitamin D recommendations – Jan 2012 lots of details, example: breastfed infants: 1000 to 1200 IU
- Vitamin D Recommendations around the world - IU and ng which has the following graph
Currrent Nordic recommendations are below the chart. They are hoping to raise Nordic counties to the bottom of the chart.
Note: Many people living in the non-Nordic counties can get vitamin D from sunlight for more seasons than just summer.
On the web
- Nordic countries will reevaluate vitamin D recommendations Vitamin D Council reporting on this
- Draft proposed for nutrient, including vitamin D
Vitamin D details not at the website as of Dec 2, 2012
Vitamin K details are on the website