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Monkeys have high levels of Vitamin D – 82 ng young, 58 ng senior Sept 2012

25(OH)D3 and cardiovascular risk factors in female nonhuman primates.

J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2012 Sep;21(9):959-65. doi: 10.1089/jwh.2011.3416. Epub 2012 Aug 9.
Jorgensen MJ, Rudel LL, Nudy M, Kaplan JR, Clarkson TB, Pajewski NM, Schnatz PF schnatzp at readinghospital.org.
Department of Pathology/Comparative Medicine, Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA.

To determine if interindividual differences in plasma concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D(3) OH)D(3 have pathophysiologic significance, we evaluated a cohort of female monkeys, seeking to identify associations with clinically relevant cardiovascular risk factors, including age, abdominal obesity (waist circumference), and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C).

One hundred fifty-five female vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus) aged 3-25 years consumed a typical western diet for 7-8 weeks that provided a woman's equivalent of approximately 1000?IU/day of vitamin D(3). Measurements of vitamin D(3) and HDL-C concentrations, as well as waist circumference, were obtained.

Among young monkeys (aged 3-5 years), compared to older monkeys (aged 16-25 years), the mean plasma 25(OH)D(3) concentrations were 82.3±3.2?ng/mL and 58.6±2.9?ng/mL (p<0.0001), respectively. Plasma 25(OH)D(3) concentrations had a range of 19.6-142.0?ng/mL (mean±standard error [SE] 66.4±1.7?ng/mL). 25(OH)D(3) concentrations were inversely associated with age (p<0.0001) and waist circumference (p=0.016) and were positively correlated with HDL-C (p=0.01). However, when statistically controlling for age, none of these relationships remained significant.

Higher plasma concentrations of 25(OH)D(3) were associated with more favorable cardiovascular risk factors, with inverse associations observed between 25(OH)D(3) and abdominal obesity, HDL-C, and age. These associations were no longer significant when controlling for age.
PMID: 22876774
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Comment by Vitamin D Life

Seems unlikely that the monkeys got this high a level of vitamin D from their food alone.
Suspect that the monkeys had access to direct sunshine or UVB lamps.

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