Cost utility of Vitamin D supplementation in adults with mild to moderate asthma
J Asthma. 2022 Aug 3;1-13. doi: 10.1080/02770903.2022.2110113 PDF behind a $59 paywall
Jefferson Antonio Buendía, MD PhD, Carlos E. Rodriguez-Martinez., MD, MSc, PhD & Monica P. Sossa-Briceño, MD., MSc.
Uncontrolled asthma significantly impairs health-related quality of life and work productivity. Some add-on therapies, such as vitamin D supplements, safely reduce the rate of asthma exacerbation. The purpose of this study was to assess the cost-utility of vitamin D supplementation in adults with mild to moderate persistent asthma in Colombia.
A Markov model was created to estimate the cost and quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) of patients with severe asthma in Colombia. Total costs and QALYs of two therapy strategies, vitamin D supplementation plus ICS versus ICS alone, were calculated over a one-year time horizon. Deterministic and probability sensitivity analyses were conducted, and cost-effectiveness was evaluated at a willingness-to-pay value of $5,180 per QALY gained.
The base-case analysis showed that compared with no supplementation, vitamin D supplementation was associated with higher costs and higher QALYs. The expected annual cost per patient with vitamin D supplementation was US$1338 and without this supplementation it was US$1095. The QALYs per person estimated with vitamin D supplementation was 0,80, and without this supplementation it was 0,63. The estimated incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was US$1583 per QALY.
Add-on vitamin D supplement was cost-effective when added to the usual care in patients with mild to moderate persistent asthma. Our study provides evidence that should be used by decision-makers to improve clinical practice guidelines.
Vitamin D Life - Overview Asthma and Vitamin D contains
- Vitamin D Life pages containing ASTHMA in title (162 as of Jan 2024)
- Asthma attacks reduced in half if Vitamin D level higher than 42 nanograms – RCT May 2014
- Started with 100,000 IU loading dose and has standard-of-care Asthma drug
- Asthma may be treated by Vitamin D if more than 40 ng for 12 months – Sept 2018
- Those with Asthma or COPD had half the response to Vitamin D – March 2020
- Those with Asthma need larger doses to get the same response.
- perhaps need gut-friendly Vitamin D
- Asthma occurrence rate reduced 3X by Vitamin D – 8 study meta-analysis - Aug 2021
- Asthma in child 2.3 X more likely if both parents asthmatic (unless add Vitamin D) – VDAART Nov 2018
- Adult-onset asthma 2X more likely if low vitamin D and not hyperallergenic – May 2018
- Children had poor lung function if mothers had low vitamin D while pregnant – Nov 2022
- 26 health factors increase the risk of COVID-19 – all are proxies for low vitamin D
- CDC list of high-risk for COVID-19 includes Asthma
- Child Asthma increased 2.1 X by antibiotics, Child milk allergy increased 4.4 X by PPI – April 2018
- Asthmatic children taking Corticosteroids had 2X more vitamin D intake, but lower levels – July 2017
- Traffic pollution increases asthma unless supplement with Vitamin D (mice) June 2018
- Childhood asthma problems eliminated for months by 600,000 IU of Vitamin D injection – June 2017
- Proof that Vitamin D Works 92 health problems prevented/treated as of Nov 2020
- Asthma has been proven to be treated by Vitamin D in at least 4 random controlled trials
- Childhood asthma still reduced 4 months after 800 IU of Vitamin D daily - RCT Feb 2016
- Respiratory Disease exacerbations (Asthma, CF, COPD) may be treated by Vitamin D – July 2019
- Women with asthma 35X more likely to be vitamin D deficient – Oct 2013
- If high vitamin D during pregnancy the child is 5X less likely to get asthma
- Asthma is treated by Vitamin D – now they are trying to understand why – Feb 2015
- Increase in vitamin D deficiency may partially explain increases in asthma and allergies – Jan 2015
- Why deficiencies in vitamin D and magnesium are linked to asthma Magnesium allows muscles to relax
- Babies 3.6X more likely to go to hospital for asthma if asthmatic mother had low vitamin D while pregnant – June 2019
- The worse the bronchial asthma, the lower the vitamin D – Jan 2017 has the following chart
click on chart to see the study
Intervention pages with ASTHMA in title (14 as of July 2022)
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Meta-analyses with ASTHMA in title (13 as of July 2022)
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