Asthmatic Patients with Vitamin D Deficiency have Decreased Exacerbations after Vitamin Replacement.
Nutrients. 2017 Nov 11;9(11). pii: E1234. doi: 10.3390/nu9111234.
Solidoro P1, Bellocchia M2, Aredano I3, Mattei A4, Pivetta E5, Patrucco F6, Boita M7, de Blasio F8, Brussino L9, Rolla G10, Bucca C11,12.
For those asthmatics who had < 20 ng initially
Loading dose injection of 100,000 IU of vitamin D
Weekly 5,000 IU of vitamin D
Daily 400 IU of vitamin D & 1500 mg of Calcium
They would have had even more benefit if they had used high doses
- Initially 400,000 IU
- Weekly 50, 000 IU
Suspect that the injection form of the loading dosde and the daily Calcium were not needed
See also Vitamin D Life
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Improved in every measure - if compliedFEV1 (% of total air exhaled in 1 second)
BACKGROUND: Intervention studies with vitamin D in asthma are inconclusive for several reasons, such as inadequate dosing or duration of supplementation or uncontrolled baseline vitamin D status. Our aim was to evaluate the benefit of long term vitamin D add-on in asthmatic patients with actual vitamin D deficiency, that is a serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25-OHD ) below 20 ng/mL.
METHODS: Serum 25-OHD, asthma exacerbations, spirometry and inhaled corticosteroids (CS) dose were evaluated in a cohort of 119 asthmatic patients. Patients with deficiency were evaluated again after one year vitamin supplementation.
RESULTS: 25-OHD was low in 111 patients and was negatively related to exacerbations (p < 0.001), inhaled CS dose (p = 0.008) and asthma severity (p = 0.001). Deficiency was found in 90 patients, 55 of whom took the supplement regularly for one year, while 24 discontinued the study and 11 were not adherent. Patients with vitamin D deficiency after 12 months supplementation showed significant decrease of exacerbations (from 2.6 ± 1.2 to 1.6 ± 1.1, p < 0.001), circulating eosinophils (from 395 ± 330 to 272 ± 212 10⁶/L, p < 0.001), and need of oral CS courses (from 35 to 20, p = 0.007) and improvement of airway obstruction.
CONCLUSIONS: Asthma exacerbations are favored by vitamin D deficiency and decrease after long-term vitamin D replacement. Patients who are vitamin D deficient benefit from vitamin D supplementation.
All asthma problems reduced after 1 year of Vitamin D – Nov 20171473 visitors, last modified 10 Jul, 2018, - Air Pollution reduces Vitamin D