The role of vitamin D status in the bioenergetics of inflammation
Calton, Emily Kathleen Curtin University Australia
This thesis investigates the role of vitamin D metabolites 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D and 25-hydroxyvitamin D in human bioenergetics and inflammation. The evidence presented comes from a narrative review, two systematic reviews, two cross-sectional studies and an observational longitudinal study design. Collectively, the thesis supports a modulatory role for vitamin D in whole body and cellular bioenergetics and inflammation. Future studies could build on these findings; establishing a causal role for vitamin D in inflammation and energy metabolism.
194 page dissertation is online (was too large to be hosted in Vitamin D Life)
See also Vitamin D Life
- Inflammation reduced when vitamin D supplementation raised level higher than 32 ng – meta-analysis May 2017 by Calton
- Inflammation reduced by Vitamin D (cell study, not body) – systematic review Nov 2015 by Calton
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