Low-cost Kindle ebooks by Dr. Grimes
Both books are short, but very nice
VITAMIN D Evolution and actions $1.46
for the medically minded
VITAMIN D What it can do for your baby $1.46
very low tech. Aimed for the mother-to-be
Shows the importance of having good level of vitamin D during pregancy, either naturally (conception in March) or with supplements
Importance: far fewer dieases during life if born with a adequate level of vitamin D
Short url =http://is.gd/GrimesVitaminD
See also Vitamin D Life
- All pages with GRIMES in Vitamin D Life 47 pages as of May 2013
- Graphs of diseases vs vitamin D levels - and D3 vs D2- April 2011
- Second generation dark skinned immigrants live shorter lives image from a July 2011 video by Dr. Grimes
- Cholesterol and vitamin D book - 2009