Jan 2011
There is a lot of evidence that vitamin D can PREVENT diabetes
But only hits so far that vitamin D can TREAT Diabetes
Note that >10,000 IU vitamin D reduces the symptoms of MS. Diabetes may be similar
A brief look at the recent Medical Literature
Vitamin D and diabetes.
Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am. 2010 Jun;39(2):419-46, table of contents.
Takiishi T, Gysemans C, Bouillon R, Mathieu C.
Laboratory for Experimental Medicine and Endocrinology (LEGENDO), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, UZ Gasthuisberg, O&N I Herestraat, Leuven, Belgium.
Type 1 (T1D) and type 2 (T2D) diabetes are considered multifactorial diseases in which both genetic predisposition and environmental factors participate in their development. Many cellular, preclinical, and observational studies support a role for vitamin D in the pathogenesis of both types of diabetes including: (1) T1D and T2D patients have a higher incidence of hypovitaminosis D; (2) pancreatic tissue (more specifically the insulin-producing beta-cells) as well as numerous cell types of the immune system express the vitamin D receptor (VDR) and vitamin D-binding protein (DBP); and (3) some allelic variations in genes involved in vitamin D metabolism and VDR are associated with glucose (in)tolerance, insulin secretion, and sensitivity, as well as inflammation. Moreover, pharmacologic doses of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25(OH)(2)D), the active form of vitamin D, prevent insulitis and T1D in nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice and other models of T1D, possibly by immune modulation as well as by direct effects on beta-cell function. In T2D, vitamin D supplementation can increase insulin sensitivity and decrease inflammation. This article reviews the role of vitamin D in the pathogenesis of T1D and T2D, focusing on the therapeutic potential for vitamin D in the prevention/intervention of T1D and T2D as well as its complications.
Copyright 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. PMID: 20511061
Can Vitamin D be a potential treatment for Type 2 diabetes mellitus
D. Meerzaa, I. Naseemb and J. Ahmeda, Corresponding Author Contact Information, E-mail The Corresponding Author
a Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Life Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 202002, India
b Department of Medicine, J.N. Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 202002, India
Available online 10 October 2010.
Diabetes has become the next most widespread epidemic after cancer and extensive research is being carried out to develop drugs for its therapeutics. Recent studies have found that deficiency of Vitamin D results in reduction in insulin secretion and thus in hyperglycemia. Both insulin secretion and sensitivity depends upon intracellular calcium concentration also and Vitamin D is one of the hormone which has been found to regulate calcium flux within the cells. In both observational and case-control studies, an inverse relationship has been reported with level of 25(OH)Vit D and degree of glycemic control. Therefore, in the present review, an attempt is being made to present scientific evidence of linkage of Type 2 diabetes with Vitamin D levels in order to explore the possibility of Vit D as an add-on therapy to the existing treatment to strive near normo-glycemia.
A few items from the web
Is Type 2 Diabetes Curable? Sept 2009 Webinar
Vitamin D Council Newsletter Oct 2009
Clipped - - - - -
As far as vitamin D improving type-2 diabetes, in my experience that is the rule, not the exception. How much it improves probably depends on how much vitamin D you give and how much weight the child loses together with his diet. Higher levels 25(OH)D prevent the disease but, so far, I am not aware of any randomized controlled trials showing a treatment effect. In the past, about half my type-2 patients were eventually able to go off their diabetic meds with proper doses of vitamin D.
Natural News How I cured diabetes in five steps Oct 2010 1 step was vitamin D/UV
See Also at Vitamin D Life
- OVERVIEW of Diabetes and vitamin D mainly prevention, not treatment
- Diabetes in women improved with just 2,000 IU of vitamin D – July 2012
- Type 1 diabetes patients may be pissing away vitamin D – Jan 2011
- All items in category Diabetes and vitamin D
454 items - Less than 30 ng vitamin D greatly increased hazard of dying and diabetes – Nov 2010
- 4000 IU vitamin D improved glycemic control for type 1 diabetes – Nov 2010
- Low vitamin D predicts all cause mortality in Type 2 Diabetes – Oct 2010
- Possible reasons that vitamin D deals with diabetes – Aug 2010
- Metabolic Syndrome and vitamin D - view of many papers Aug 2010
- Take Charge of Your Diabetes 2007 book with lots of vitamin D information $5 PDF from author
- Diabetes not TREATED by a single 200000 IU of vitamin D – Jan 2011
- 5 Reasons Why Type One Diabetes is on the Rise (file)
- Less Diabetes if have enough CA and Vit D (file)
- Vitamin D might influence Diabetes (file)
- You Can Reverse PreDiabetes (file)
- Review of vitamin D deficiency and diabetes – Aug 2010
- Type 2 Diabetes and vitamin D – Aug 2010
- Overview of Vitamin D and Insulin – 2010 good summary tables
Can Vitamin D treat Diabetes - many articles9929 visitors, last modified 13 Sep, 2014,