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CDC reduced quarentine to 5 days - too many not able to work - Dec 29, 2021

CDC cuts isolation time recommended for people with asymptomatic coronavirus infections Washington Post

  • Health Care Workers
  • Police Officiers
  • F.irefighters
  • MIlitary
  • Pilots, cabin attendents, ground crew
  • Teachers
  • TSA employees
  • Truck drivers, dock workers
  • Etcetera

  • "As part of its update, the CDC also cut the recommended quarantine time to five days for those exposed to the coronavirus who are not yet boosted. It recommended such people wear masks around others for an additional five days"

Note: CDC is NOT following the science

  • CDC does not suggest testing at end of the period
  • No isolation time if had been boosted (jab #3 for now)
  • US Isolation time had been 15 days, then 10 days, now 5 days. How long till 3 days?
  • :“We know that those who are vaccinated, and those who were previously infected and vaccinated, are more likely to shed virus for shorter periods of time,"
    • Covid: how long are people infectious and how do isolation rules vary?
    • "Since 22 December, people in England who have tested positive for Covid have been allowed to cut their self-isolation from 10 days to seven if they have negative lateral flow tests on days six and day seven."
    • 14 days Germany; 10- days Scotland, Wales, France
    • Suspect immunosurpressed, elderly (low vitamin D) are infectious much longer

Update - considering adding a test for those who ae asymptomatic - Jan 2, 2022

Fauci says U.S. officials may soon add testing component to new 5-day isolation period Washington Post

  • "Including a testing requirement after five days would be an improvement, Caballero said, but “it does not address the limitations around rapid antigen tests — they are less sensitive and less able to pick up asymptomatic cases.”"

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