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Bursitis and Vitamin D


Quick search did not found any indication that adding vitamin D will prevent bursitis
FACT: Vitamin D decreases many kinds of inflammation
FACT: Bursitis is an inflammation
FACT: People with inflammation have low levels of vitamin D
FACT: Vitamin D decreases many types of pain
HYPOTHESIS: Vitamin D will decrease pain and inflammation of bursitis
Suggestion: try taking 150,000 IU of vitamin D over a period of 7-14 days and see if the bursitis pain decreases

See also Vitamin D Life

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See also web

  • Can Vitamin D Deficiency Cause Joint Pain? Livestrong June 2011
    Bursitis, or inflammation of the bursae that cushions the end of the bones, also can be a cause for joint pain
    70 percent of these patients who suffered from some sort of joint pain also were vitamin D deficient.
  • Bursitis: An Introduction to This Inflammatory Disease Mercola March 2017
    Surprisingly nothing about Vitamin D
  • Bursitis Wikipedia
    There are more than 150 bursae in the human body.
    The bursae rest at the points where internal functionaries, such as muscles and tendons, slide across bone
    Types include:"housemaid's knee", "clergyman's knee", hip pain, "student's elbow", shoulder pain, Achilles bursitis, "weaver's bottom"
Bursitis and Vitamin D        
17683 visitors, last modified 05 Mar, 2018,
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