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Atherosclerosis prevented by Ultraviolet light (UVB in mice) – Oct 2016

UVB Exposure Prevents Atherosclerosis by Regulating Immunoinflammatory Responses

Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 2016;ATVBAHA.116.308063m http://dx.doi.org/10.1161/ATVBAHA.116.308063

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Naoto Sasaki, Tomoya Yamashita, Kazuyuki Kasahara, Atsushi Fukunaga, Tomoyuki Yamaguchi, Takuo Emoto, Keiko Yodoi, Takuya Matsumoto, Kenji Nakajima, Tomoyuki Kita, Masafumi Takeda, Taiji Mizoguchi, Tomohiro Hayashi, Yoshihiro Sasaki, Mayumi Hatakeyama, Kumiko Taguchi, Ken Washio, Shimon Sakaguchi, Bernard Malissen, Chikako Nishigori and Ken-ichi Hirata

Objective—UVB irradiation is an established treatment for immunoinflammatory cutaneous disorders and has been shown to suppress cutaneous and systemic inflammatory diseases through modulation of the adaptive immune response. However, it remains unknown whether UVB irradiation prevents an immunoinflammatory disease of arteries such as atherosclerosis.

Approach and Results—Here, we show that UVB exposure inhibits the development and progression of atherosclerosis in atherosclerosis-prone mice by expanding and enhancing the functional capacity of CD4+ forkhead box P3+ regulatory T cells and regulating proatherogenic T-cell responses. Experimental studies in Langerhans cell–depleted mice revealed that epidermal Langerhans cells play a critical role in UVB-dependent induction of CD4+ forkhead box P3+ regulatory T cells, suppression of proatherogenic T-cell responses, and prevention of atherosclerotic plaque development.

Conclusions—Our findings suggest the skin immune system as a novel therapeutic target for atherosclerosis and provide a novel strategy for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis.

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