Toggle Health Problems and D

A smoker costs a company 5816 dollars every year – Aug 2013

Estimating the cost of a smoking employee Tobacco Control Aug 2013

$3,077: 5 smoking breaks per day vs 3 breaks
$2,056: excess health care expenses.
$683: increased absenteeism

Details from NY Times article

 Download the PDF from ResearchGate via Vitamin D Life
Smokers absent 2.5 days more per year
Smoker costs

See also Vitamin D Life

Smoking reduces vitamin D contains the following
Two pathways are often proposed for how smoking decreases vitamin D:
   1) Smoking decreases Calcium. and Vitamin D is used up in replacing the Calcium
   2) Smoking injures the body, and vitamin D is used up in repairing the body
It appears that taking Vitamin D while smoking will:
   1) Decrease the incidence of the many health problems associated with smoking - even lung cancer
   2) Decrease the desire to smoke (perhaps take fewer smoking breaks?)
   3) Increase breathing capacity
Opinion: If unable to stop smoking,
  or are a previous smoker,
     or are getting 2nd hand smoke,
         increase Vitamin D and perhaps Omega-3 (which decreases depression, inflammation)

Vitamin D should also help people quit smoking   See bottom of page Smoking reduces vitamin D
   1) Reduces weight gain associated with quitting smoking
   2) Reduces depression associated with quitting smoking

See also web

See also web - obesity

Created by admin. Last Modification: Thursday August 15, 2019 18:41:39 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 14)

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
10617 Smoker costs.jpg admin 28 Sep, 2018 23:43 30.42 Kb 273
10616 Smokers absent 2.5 days more per year.jpg admin 28 Sep, 2018 23:42 25.14 Kb 257
10615 Estimating the cost of a smoking employee.pdf admin 28 Sep, 2018 23:36 259.40 Kb 333
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