Association between vitamin D intake and the risk of rheumatoid arthritis: a meta-analysis
Gwan Gyu Song, Sang-Cheol Bae and Young Ho Lee
CLINICAL RHEUMATOLOGY; 2012, DOI: 10.1007/s10067-012-2080-7, International League of Associations for Rheumatology
The aim of this study was to summarize published results on the association between vitamin D intake and the development of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and between serum vitamin D levels and RA activity. Evidence of a relationship between vitamin D intake and the development of RA and between serum vitamin D levels and RA activity was studied by summarizing published results using a meta-analysis approach.
Three cohort studies including 215,757 participants and 874 incident cases of RA were considered in this meta-analysis, and
eight studies on the association between serum vitamin D levels and RA activity involving 2,885 RA patients and 1,084 controls were included.
Meta-analysis showed an association between total vitamin D intake and RA incidence (relative risk (RR) of the highest vs. the lowest group?=?0.758, 95 % confidence interval (CI) 0.577–0.937, p?=?0.047), without between-study heterogeneity (I 2?=?0 %, p?=?0.595).
Individuals in the highest group for total vitamin D intake were found to have a 24.2 % lower risk of developing RA than those in the lowest group.
Subgroup meta-analysis also showed a significant association between vitamin D supplement intake and RA incidence (RR 0.764, 95 % CI 0.628–0.930, p?=?0.007), without between-study heterogeneity. All studies, except for one, found that vitamin D levels are inversely associated with RA activity. One study found no correlation between vitamin D levels and disease activity among 85 RA patients, but these patients had a high incidence of vitamin D deficiency, which might have influenced the study outcome. Meta-analysis of 215,757 participants suggests that low vitamin D intake is associated with an elevated risk of RA development. Furthermore, available evidence indicates that vitamin D level is associated with RA activity.
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Comment by Vitamin D Life
A “lot of vitamin D’ is probably 400 IU.
Other studies have found far more than 24% decrease in RA when taking >2,000 IU of vitamin D