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When taking vitamin D, be sure to also take some vitamin A – Nov 2011

Vitamin D recommendations: beyond deficiency.

Ann Nutr Metab. 2011;59(1):10-6. doi: 10.1159/000332066. Epub 2011 Nov 25.
Biesalski HK. biesal at uni-hohenheim.de
Department of Biological Chemistry and Nutrition, Food Security Center, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany.

Vitamin D plays an important role in regular bone growth and in adequate function of the innate immune system, including barrier functions of mucous membranes. A sufficient supply during pregnancy and lactation protects the child from infectious diseases. Clinical symptoms of severe vitamin D deficiency (rickets) are well known and can be easily detected. Signs and symptoms beyond deficiency, however, remain to be elucidated. Based on clinical and observational data, the plasma level of 25(OH)D may serve as a 'marker' to detect or define a subclinical deficiency. Levels below 50 nmol/l might be insufficient to maintain the non-bone-related activities of vitamin D.

Finally, it has to be considered that all of the nonbone activities of vitamin D are in concert with vitamin A (9-cis retinoic acid).
Studies combining both vitamins in sufficient amounts (cod liver oil) demonstrated a beneficial effect on the prevention of respiratory tract infections.

Consequently, it should be strongly recommended to increase the intake of vitamin D and to ensure a daily intake of vitamin A as counseled.

Copyright © 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel.

PMID: 22123631
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See also Vitamin D Life


Co-factor How Much Benefit BoneBioavailability Balance body Notes
Calcium <750mg Yes probablyYes Avoid getting too much
Magnesium 500mg Yes Yes Yes Very important, big range in bio-availability
Vitamin K2 Yes maybe ?
Vitamin A maybe ? need some, but too much is bad
Boron 5-10mg Yes 25% ?
Silica Yes no ?
Strontium Yes no ? rarely available in a co-factor pill
Zinc Yesmaybe?

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See also Vitamin D Life

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