They have a lot of information - information- based mainly on PubMed papers
They use 'Cumulative Knowledge' to provide a weighting factors for each item
- Meta-Analysis (20),
- Human Study (10),
- Human: Case Study (3),
- Animal: Transgenic (2), Animal (2),
- In Vitro (1), Review (1) and Commentary (1)
" began 3 years ago with a vision to provide the public free and convenient access to scientific evidence supporting natural healing methods. Our project has grown into the worlds largest free and entirely evidence-based natural medical database with over 15,000 articles, and growing daily. We are also unique in the sense that we are an entirely solar-powered database (no green-washing), have no advertisements, and have a volunteer staff which receive no compensation for their work." March 2011
Note: They ignore negative information/studies
Following tables are just the top of each - March 2011
Click on title to get to their full web page on that topic
Vitamin D
Vitamin K
By Therapeutic Action
By Natural Substance
By Ailment
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