Might be able to indicate that vitamin D is in one of a few ranges: low, OK, high, and perhaps too high
Guess: in a few years this might be a commercial way to estimate levels of vitamin D - perhaps without drawing blood
OXYGEN sensors can be clipped on fingers to measure blood OXYGEN saturation
Similar sensors might estimate Vitamin D in the future
Wavelengths of a few IR LEDs which could be used
I used to be an Instrumentation engineer - Henry Lahore
Feasibility study — vitamin d loading determination by ftir atr
ИНФОРМАЦИОННО УПРАВЛЯЮЩИЕ СИСТЕМЫ№ 3, 2015 107 УПРАВЛЕНИЕ В МЕДИЦИНЕ И БИОЛОГИИ UDC 543.2 doi:10.15217/issn1684-8853.2015.3.107
E. Simanaa, B.Sc., Electrical Engineering, eran.simana at gmail.com R. Simiana, B.Sc., Electrical Engineering, ronensimian at gmail.com S. Portnoyb, PhD, Biomedical Engineering, portnoys at tauex.tau.ac.il A. Jaffec, M.D, PhD, Endocrinologist, jaffe at hy.health.gov.il B. Z. Dekela, PhD, Electrical Engineering, benziond at ruppin.ac.il a Ruppin Academic Center, Emek-Hefer, 40250, Israel b Occupation Therapy Department, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel c Endocrinology and Diabetes Unit, Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, Hadera, Israel
Purpose: The aim of the present study was to develop a simple and accurate way to measure vitamin D levels. Vitamin D nowadays is measured by a variety of methods which their common drawbacks are expensive equipment and the need for high trained technical staff. In this research we measured vitamin D levels by means of Fourier transform infra red method in conjugation with the evanescent wave spectroscopy technique, in order to develop a simpler vitamin D measurement method.
Methods: Blood samples were collected from patients with vitamin D deficiency at five intervals before and up to 16 days after they took a dose of 200,000 IU vitamin D3. Samples were measured by the conventional bio-chemical method and by the evanescent wave spectroscopy means.
Results: Correlation was found between the vitamin D levels measured by the traditional method and by the evanescent wave spectroscopy technique. The absorption lines occurred prominently in the IR spectral regions of the Amide I (≈1650 cm−1),Amide II (≈1530 cm−1) and the (≈3400 cm−1) absorption band which is attributed to the hydroxyl group indicated by the O-H stretch. In addition, the examination of the blood samples using the evanescent wave spectroscopy with clustering techniques facilitated the discrimination between vitamin D deficiency and normal vitamin D levels.
Practical relevance: This study demonstrates the potential of using the Fourier transform infra red method in conjugation with the evanescent wave spectroscopy technique coupled with multivariate analysis as a non- expensive, rapid and accurate alternative to the routine methodologies.
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