Lower levels of vitamin D may put spinal fusion patients at risk, study finds
57% inadequate (< 30 ng)
27% deficient (20 ng)
4% severe deficient (< 10 ng)
The paper, presented Thursday at the North American Spine Society annual meeting,
Buchowski said the idea of checking vitamin D levels of patients first occurred to him in 2008.
A woman in her 40s who had undergone cervical fusion surgery and did not get an adequate fusion told him that she had been treated for a vitamin D deficiency.
"It was like a light bulb went off," he said.
For the last year and a half, all patients undergoing fusion surgery at Washington University have their vitamin D levels checked.
If they are deficient, they will be supplemented with a 50,000 IU prescription dose once a week for eight weeks before their surgery, he said.
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No comment about the co-factors important in making bone:
Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin K2, Boron, Silicon
Unfortunately the "prescription dose" is most likely Vitamin D2, which is not nearly as good as Vitamin D3
Charts from [https://www.vitad.org/tiki-index.php?page_id=2138|Vitamin D3 better than D2]
See also Vitamin D Life
- HMOs will save millions of dollars with vitamin D
- All items in After Surgery or Trauma
278 items - Should stock-up on vitamin D if having surgery due to fragile bones – Jan 2011
- Hardly any children had enough vitamin D before bone surgery – April 2011
- Osteoporosis medication 7X better when more than 33 ng of vitamin D – June 2011
- Is it ethical to not give vitamin D in osteoporosis trials– NEJM Sept 2010
- Calcium and vitamin D after hip fracture reduced death rate by 25% – Feb 2011
- Low vitamin D before orthopedic surgery – dark skin 5X more likely – Oct 2010
- All items in Cost Savings and Vitamin D
138 items - Overview Osteoporosis and Vitamin D
- Low levels of vitamin D prior to spine surgery – March 2013
- Spinal fusion improved by vitamin D (no amounts stated in abstract) – Jan 2015
- Spinal non fusion 3.5 X more likely if low vitamin D - July 2015
- Vitamin D needed after most spinal surgeries (and before as well) – 2013
See also Web
- Spinal surgery especially hard with Parkinson's patients who typically are very low on vitamin D
Spinal fusion patients often low on vitamin D - Nov 20114494 visitors, last modified 27 Aug, 2016,