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Risk of going from pre-MS to MS reduced 68 percent with 7100 IU vitamin D – RCT Dec 2012

Preventive effect of vitamin D3 supplementation on conversion of optic neuritis to clinically definite multiple sclerosis: - a double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled pilot clinical trial.

Acta Neurol Belg. 2012 Dec 19.
Derakhshandi H, Etemadifar M, Feizi A, Abtahi SH, Minagar A, Abtahi MA, Abtahi ZA, Dehghani A, Sajjadi S, Tabrizi N.
Isfahan Eye Research Center (IERC), Feiz Hospital, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, SHARNOS Co. No. 9, Boroomand. Seyed-Alikhan, Chaharbagh Abbasi, 81448-14581, Isfahan, Iran.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) presents with optic neuritis (ON) in 20 % of cases and 50 % of ON patients develop MS within 15 years.

In this study, we evaluated the preventive effects of vitamin D3 administration on the conversion of ON to MS (primary outcome) and on the MRI lesions (secondary outcome) of ON patients with low serum 25 (OH) D levels. Thirty ON patients (15 in each of 2 groups, aged 20-40 years) with serum 25 (OH) D levels of less than 30 ng/ml were enrolled in a double blind, randomized, parallel-group trial. The treatment group (cases) received 50,000 IU of vitamin D3 weekly for 12 months and the control group (controls) received a placebo weekly for 12 months. Finally, the subsequent relapse rate and changes in MRI plaques were compared between the two groups. Risk reduction was 68.4 % for the primary outcome in the treatment group (relative risk = 0.316, p = 0.007).

After 12 months, patients in the treatment group had a significantly lower incidence rate of cortical, juxtacortical, corpus callosal, new T2, new gadolinium-enhancing lesions and black holes. The mean number of total plaques showed a marginally significant decrease in the group receiving vitamin D3 supplementation as compared with the placebo group (p = 0.092). Administration of vitamin D3 supplements to ON patients with low serum vitamin 25 (OH) D levels may delay the onset of a second clinical attack and the subsequent conversion to MS.

PMID: 23250818

Observation by Vitamin D Life

Even more MS risk reduction can probably be achieved by each of the following

See also Vitamin D Life

Overview MS and vitamin D contains the following summary

Clinical interventions have shown that Vitamin D can prevent, treat, and even cure Multiple Sclerosis, at a tiny fraction of the cost of the drugs now used to treat it, and without side effects.

Summary: lack of consensus on how much to prevent, treat, or cure MS.

  • How much Vitamin D to prevent many diseases - such as MS
  • How much Vitamin D is needed to treat MS? There is currently no agreement
       The recommendations range from 40 to 100 ng - which can result of a dose ranging from 3,000 to 20,000 IU/day
  • How Vitamin D is needed to Cure MS?: It appears that 20,000-140,000 IU daily may be needed to CURE the disease
       You must be under the supervision of a doctor who knows what to watch for in your individual situation.
       High doses of Vitamin D cannot be used as a monotherapy.
       You will need to adjust the cofactors: Typically increasing Magnesium and Vitamin K2, and reducing Calcium intake.
       Your doctor will monitor these and might increase your intake of Vitamins B2, C, as well as Omega-3

Strong evidence: Vitamin D PREVENTS MS and REDUCES MS symptoms

See also web

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