A 7-Year Longitudinal Trial of the Safety and Efficacy of a Vitamin/Mineral Enhanced Plant-Sourced Calcium Supplement.
J Am Coll Nutr. 2016;35(2):91-9. doi: 10.1080/07315724.2015.1090357. Epub 2016 Feb 17.
Kaats GR 1, Preuss HG 2, Stohs S 3, Perricone N 4.
1a Integrative Health Technologies, Inc. , San Antonio , Texas (G.R.K.).
2b Department of Biochemistry , Georgetown University Medical Center , Washington , DC (H.G.P.).
3c Creighton University , Frisco , Texas (S.S.).
4d Transdermal Biotechnology, Inc. , Meriden , Connecticut (N.P.).
This study was probaby paid for by the manufacturer.
Most Calcium supplements result in poor health, especially when vitamin D is increased
A plant-based supplement with many Vitamin D cofactors is probably better than just Calcium supplements
Bone Mineral Density INCREASED by 7% in 7 years
The Magnesium, Vit D, Vit K, and Boron also help build bones,
and MAY reduce other problems
no consensus on Strontium
Note: Trial used 2 capsules taken twice a day - at a cost of $2.32
Competing products using very similar ingredients are about 1/4 that price
See also Vitamin D Life
- Vitamin D Cofactors in a nutshell
- Calcium supplements proven to NOT reduce fractures, but are proven to INCREASE heart problems – July 2015
- Healthy bones need: Calcium, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Silicon, Vitamin K, and Boron – 2012
- Calcium supplementation associated with 3.9X increase risk of atrial fibrillation – June 2015
- Increased Vitamin K2 reduces the problems of excess Calcium – Nov 2013
- Interactions between Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Calcium – April 2016
- Death by Calcium, book by Thomas Levy – Dec 2013
- Calcium and Vitamin D category listing has
192 items along with related searches See also web
- https://www.algaecal.com derived from a marine algae, 2 caps twice a day with meals
- vitamin D3, vitamin K2, boron, and additional magnesium have been added to the algae powder to make AlgaeCal Plus
See also Amazon (Jan 2018) - Vegan Calcium, Mg, Vit D, Vit K, and usually Boron, Silica, generally from algae- Doctor's Best 3 capsuies $0.18/day
- Nature's Way Alive!® Calcium Bone Formula Supplement 3 capsules $0.76/day
- New Chapter Calcium Supplement with Vitamin K2 + D3 - Bone Strength Clinical Strength Plant 3 capsules $0.78/day
- Alive Calcium Bone Formula (Algaecal) 4 capsules $0.82/day
- NATURELO Bone Strength - with Plant Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamins C, D3, & K2 4 capsules $0.88/day
- Garden of Life Raw Calcium Supplemen 4 capsules $1/day
- Pure Synergy Bone Renewal 5 capsules $1.35/day
Note: the above are just a few of the products available which have enough quantity of ingredients to be useful.
 Download the PDF from Vitamin D LifeOBJECTIVES:
The objective of this study was to examine the safety and efficacy of a vitamin-mineral enhanced plant-sourced calcium AlgaeCal calcium (AC) in female consumers who had taken the supplement from 1 to 7 years.METHODS:
Consumers who had completed at least one dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) bone mineral density (BMD) scan (N = 172) and/or blood chemistry test (N = 30) and purchased AC from 1 to 7 years were contacted and offered complimentary repeat tests. Safety and efficacy were examined by annualized changes in a 45-measurement blood chemistry panel and changes in BMD.RESULTS:
No adverse effects or safety concerns were found in any of the annualized within-group annualized changes in the 45 blood chemistries or in between-group changes in a similar control group (n = 5070) who completed the same measurements. With regard to BMD, consistent and statistically significant within-group increases were found for the 7-year study period and when compared to expected BMD changes in 3 large databases or the combination (N = 25,885) of the 3 databases. Data from this study suggest that AC supplement was associated with a significant annualized and linear increase in BMD of 1.04% per year, 7.3% over the 7-year study period. These results stand in marked contrast to normative or expected changes of -0.4%/y from 3 different databases or in a combination of all 3 databases (N = 16,289).CONCLUSIONS:
No evidence was found in cardiovascular risk as measured by adverse changes in blood lipids, nor was any evidence found of a diminished efficacy over the 7-year study period because gains in BMD were consistent and linear over the 7-year study period, averaging 1.04% per year over the 7-year study. The results are also consistent with earlier short-term studies suggesting that this supplement can facilitate significant increases in total body BMD in contrast to studies suggesting that calcium supplements can only slow down age-related declines in BMD.PMID: 26885697 DOI: 10.1080/07315724.2015.1090357
Calcium from plants might be OK – Dec 20164348 visitors, last modified 23 Jan, 2018, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Osteoporosis189 Vitamin D and Calcium 192 Top news 814 Attached files
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