When trying to purchase another Vitamin D test at Life Extension Foundation I got the following pleasant message
Life Extension’s research has found that if a person is not taking at least 5000IU of vitamin D a day they will likely be below an optimal blood value of 50ng/mL.
Life Extension suggests most people take this amount for at least 1 month before doing their vitamin D blood test.
Please see our January 2010 magazine article "Startling Findings About Vitamin D Levels in Life Extension Members" for more details.
See also Vitamin D Life
- Is 50 ng of vitamin D too high, just right, or not enough
- How much vitamin D and other nutrients do I take
- Overview How Much vitamin D
Most people in this study needed > 4800 IU to get to 50 ng X 2.5 = 125 nmol
A few of the variables as to how much vitamin D is needed
USANA agreed with LEF a few years ago (last chart)
Be sure to adjust cofactors when having an optimum level of vitamin D
At a minimum: Reduce Calcium to 500 and increase Magnesum to 500