Toggle Health Problems and D

Breast Cancer trial using 50,000 IU Vitamin D weekly cancelled (no funding)

Effect of High Dose Vitamin D on Cancer Biomarkers and Breast Cancer Tumors

Trial was Cancelled due to lack of funding
Vitamin D given after detection and before surgery

Promising Vitamin D Clinical Trials - 2017 contains the following

Future Clinical Trials

  • Each page includes links to similar studies/trials
  • The year is shown as 1 year after trial starts, note sometimes publication does not occur until 4 years later.
  • These clinical trials were selected as being likely to show good results by Vitamin D Life in 2017.
  • If an item is of interest. you should consider taking Vitamin D and perhaps other supplements such as Magnesium, Omega-3, and Vitamin K rather than waiting for the results of the clinical trial to be published, or waiting several decades for your doctor to incorporate the results into his practice

See also Vitamin D Life

Diabetes + Heart Failure + Chronic Pain + Depression + Autism + Breast Cancer + Colon Cancer + Prostate Cancer + BPH (prostate) + Preeclampsia + Premature Birth + Falls + Cognitive Decline + Respiratory Tract Infection + Influenza + Tuberculosis + Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease + Lupus + Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome + Urinary Tract Infection + Poor Sleep + Growing Pain + Multiple Sclerosis + PMS + Schizophrenia + Endometriosis + Smoking    27 problems
   Note: Once a week also fights: COVID, Headaches, Colds, Fibromyalgia, Asthma, Hives, Colitis etc.

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