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The US believes you have long-COVID if you have more than 12 points (no treatment yet) - May 2023

What is long covid? For the first time, a new study defines it - May 2023

Washington Post $$
Development of a Definition of Postacute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection - JAMA
 Download the PDF from Vitamin D Life

They have finally agreed on the importance of long-COVID symptoms of 2020, 2021
Hopefully the symptoms have not changed with the

  • new COVID varients
  • number of vaccinations
  • number of infections

8 pointsLoss of smell or taste
7 points Post-exertional malaise
4 points Chronic cough
3 pointsBrain fog
3 pointsThirst
2 points Heart palpitations:
2 pointsChest pain
1 pointFatigue
1 pointDizziness
1 pointGastrointestinal symptoms
1 pointIssues with sexual desire or capacity
1 pointAbnormal movements (including tremors,
slowed movements, rigidity, or
sudden, unintended and uncontrollable jerky movements)


Vitamin D Life - Long-COVID is now the biggest COVID concern - many studies

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
19592 Symptom Frequencies.jpg admin 25 May, 2023 54.10 Kb 125
19591 JAMA long-covid points_CompressPdf.pdf admin 25 May, 2023 176.51 Kb 89