Toggle Health Problems and D

Gout and Vitamin D - many studies

12 Reasons to believe that Gout is associated with low vitamin D

Reasons to believe that Gout is associated with low vitamin D

  1. Acute gouty arthritis is seasonal. 1998
    Increased by 32% in Spring (when vitamin D levels are the lowest)
  2. Clinical Trials for Gout and Vitamin D
    Study of Vitamin D and Uric Acid Lowering on Kidney and Blood Vessel Function
    Good: 50,000 IU weekly, unfortunately: D2, not D3
  3. Vitamin D reduces Rheumatoid arthritis 115 items
  4. Vitamin D reduces Pain 159 items
  5. Vitamin D reduces Inflammation category listing with 171 items
  6. Higher incidence of gout with age (less vitamin D and gastric acid as you get older)
  7. Increased gout at higher Latitude (Gout and Goutiness a 1899 book
  8. Increased gout with soda pop
    JAMA study from 2010.2 women >2 cans of soda daily 2X more likely to develop gout (Note that soda decreases vitamin D levels)
  9. 2X more Gout if Dark Skin
    WikiPedia gout is twice as likely in African American males as it is in European Americans
  10. Gout and Calcium and vitamin D
    Calcium and Vitamin D. The relationship of gout to calcium and vitamin D is complex.
    Gout is associated with insulin resistance, low vitamin D levels, and inflammation, all of which interfere with muscle synthesis.
    One study has found that patients with gout have lower vitamin D3 levels correlated with higher urate.
  11. Increased gout recently (along with increased number of people being vitamin D deficient)- both blacks and whites
    New Zealand 2009 publication
    Gout incidence has been increasing (while vitamin D has been decreasing)
  12. Gout has increased, but appears to be correlated with obesity/ hypertension 2011
    note: both obesity and hypertension are associated with low vitamin D {FONT}

Hypothesis by Vitamin D Life: Vitamin D and Gout

FACT: Gout increases with age
FACT: Gastric Acid/digestion decreases with age
FACT: Coffee increases gastric acid
FACT: Coffee decreases gout (known since 1672)
FACT: Vitamin D increased digestion
FACT: Vitamin D decreases Gout
CONCLUSION: Improved digestion ==> reduced gout
Hypothesis: Other ways to Increase digestion, such as HCL or digestive enzymes, will also decrease gout
Note: Vitamin D reduces gout by at least the following ways:

  1. improving digestion
  2. improving kidney function
  3. reducing pain
  4. reducing inflammation

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See also Vitamin D Life

Many reasons why vitamin D deficiency has become epidemic which includes the following chart
Gout has the following chart

See also web



Gout in the UK increased 20% in 3 years - Sept 2022

Victorian disease RETURNS to UK as NHS sees sudden surge and shares four warning signs Mirror
Also tuberculosis, malnutrition, whooping cough, measles, scurvy, typhoid, scarlet fever, diphtheria, mumps, rickets, cholera, and vitamin D deficiency

Gout, RA symptoms sometimes the same, sometimes different


Gout epigenetics: Vitamin D, Vitamin D Receptor, Omega-3, etc - Sept 2022

 Download the PDF from Vitamin D Life

Vitamin D Life pages with GOUT in title (8 as of Sept 2022)

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Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
18517 Gout epidenetics.jpg admin 29 Sep, 2022 119.08 Kb 2443
18516 Epigenetics and Gout_CompressPdf.pdf admin 29 Sep, 2022 310.51 Kb 261
11654 Gout vs RA.jpg admin 23 Mar, 2019 38.63 Kb 24997
9524 Gout JAMA.jpg admin 14 Mar, 2018 24.70 Kb 31431
9523 Gout JAMA.pdf admin 14 Mar, 2018 258.89 Kb 1441
8295 Gout increasing.jpg admin 12 Aug, 2017 28.37 Kb 35169
8294 vitamin D and uric acid - Nature.pdf admin 12 Aug, 2017 445.82 Kb 2032
5069 Gout Chinese women 2013.pdf admin 18 Feb, 2015 417.20 Kb 2760
5068 Gout prevalence.jpg admin 18 Feb, 2015 28.42 Kb 47637
3783 coffee-advertisement.jpg admin 08 Apr, 2014 63.54 Kb 5689
3782 Gout coffee.jpg admin 08 Apr, 2014 56.59 Kb 55988
3781 Gout Vitamin C.jpg admin 08 Apr, 2014 48.67 Kb 53164
3780 Gout NZ.jpg admin 08 Apr, 2014 11.64 Kb 55113